Aspects of Creative Life: Four Possible Books for Knowledge Creators

Oliver Ding
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2022
Photo by Joshua Lam on Unsplash

In the past years, I wrote annual review reports for my personal studio CALL (Creative Action Learning Lab) in October.

Last year, I used the above idea as a metaphor to curate CALL’s ideas. From Oct 2020 to Oct 2021. I run CALL as a knowledge curation studio that produced a set of knowledge frameworks and built ecology of ideas.

This year, I have a new tool to deal with the complexity of my knowledge enterprise. I launched five Knowledge Centers in the past several months. Now Curativity Center is the hub of my knowledge enterprise and CALL is only for the ecological practice approach and the creative life project.

You can find more details in CALL: Annual Review (2021–2022).

What’s the primary theme of CALL in the past 12 months?

I decide to use “Aspects of Creative Life” to name a series of possible books.

CALL stands for Creative Action Learning Lab. Its keyword is Creative Action and it refers to my approach to creativity research: the “Process as Product” approach. You can find more details in The NICE Way and Creative Actions.

Later, it led to the Path of Creative Life.

In the past 12 months, I developed a new structure of units of analysis:

1. Creative Actions
2. Creative Work (Projects)
3. Creative Journey
4. Creative Life

I also mentioned these four units of analysis in the following possible books:

1. Ecological Practice Design > Creative Actions
2. Project Engagement > Creative Projects
3. Creative Journey > Creative Journeys
4. Life Strategy > Creative Life

Each book also introduces a theoretical framework.

1. Ecological Practice Design > The Lifesystem Framework
2. Project Engagement > The Developmental Project Model
3. Creative Journey > The ECHO Way
4. Life Strategy > The Anticipatory Activity Framework

These four books are developed for different purposes. Now I curate them together as a new meaningful whole!

Ecological Practice Design: The Lifesystem Approach to Everyday Life Innovation

This is the series of “Aspects of Creative Life”. Though I focus on four units of analysis, I mention other aspects of creative life in these books.



Oliver Ding
Editor for

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.