Life Discovery: The “Being by Doing” Principle

Oliver Ding
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2022


The Starting Point of the Life Discovery Toolkit

The Life Discovery Toolkit (v1.0) uses Life Aspiration Orientation as the starting point. I use the three dimensions to start the difficult conversation for life development:

  • Epistemic Impact (Knowledge Heroes)
  • Market Impact (Business Heroes)
  • Social Impact (Social Change Heroes)

The toolkit is not for discussing traditional career development, but life as a meaningful whole. We care about the real impact you can make. You can make an impact through a paid job or other activities.

These three dimensions don’t mean there are only three choices. It just highlights the directions of free space. You can find a dot in the space and move around since life is a continuous flow.

You can also use it for long-term biographical reflection. For example, the attached diagram is my own story.

  • Market Impact: Before 2008

The first stage of my career (1994–2001) was about advertising, marketing, and communication.



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.