Knowledge Discovery: The Concept Dynamics Framework

Oliver Ding
Published in
15 min readApr 5, 2022


Understanding the Complexity of Concept Ecology with Knowledge Discovery Canvas

On March 29, I published an article titled Knowledge Discovery: Concepts, Notions, and the Concept Dynamics Framework. Some friends asked me questions about the Concept Dynamics Framework, Today I will offer a complete story of the framework.

I will use the Knowledge Discovery Canvas to reflect on the historical development of the Concept Dynamics Framework. The above diagram shows five red connection lines which represent five sections of the present discussion:

  • Projects: The Concept Dynamic Framework is a by-product of the Affordance Analysis Project.
  • Concepts: The Concept Dynamic Framework is born from a review of over 300 academic papers about the concept of Affordance.
  • Notions: The Concept Dynamic Framework presents my idea about concept creations.
  • Frameworks: The Concept Dynamic Framework is an abstract framework for knowledge-building activities and learning activities.
  • Insights: Many academic concepts are not ideal concepts. They don’t have supporting evidence from real practice (“ecological reality”). Many popular cultural concepts are just language games (“linguistic reality”).



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.