Life Discovery: The “Engagement as Projection” Principle

Oliver Ding
Published in
10 min readApr 14, 2022


The Project Engagement Approach for Life Discovery Activity

The Life-as-Project Approach is inspired by Project-oriented Activity Theory, Anticipatory Systems Theory, Curativity Theory, and other theoretical resources, it was developed with the following six basic principles:

  • Being by Doing
  • Engagement as Projection
  • End as Means
  • Discovery as Development
  • Performance as Experiment
  • Curativity as Creativity

This article offers some related ideas for the “Engagement as Projection” principle which is originally called “Engagement as Method”.

The Life-as-Project Approach is an application of the Project-centered Approach. The method behind the Project-centered approach is “Project Engagement” which is inspired by the Project Engagement Toolkit.

The “Engagement as Projection” principle highlights some essential ideas of the Project-centered Approach.

Life as Project



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.