Slow Cognition: A Meta-canvas for Developing Tacit Knowledge

Oliver Ding
Published in
12 min readMar 11, 2022


Thematic Space Canvas and Knowledge Discovery Canvas

Photo by Josè Maria Sava on Unsplash

As mentioned before, I want to adopt the historical-cognitive method to study creative work and creative life. In Jan 2022, I started the Slow Cognition project which is designed with the following ideas:

  • Theory: Curativity Theory
  • Sub-theory: Themes of Practice
  • Framework: Knowledge Curation
  • Method: Slow Cognition
  • Instrument: Thematic Space Canvas
  • Phenomenon: Developing Tacit Knowledge

See the diagram below. The essential parts of the project are Thematic Space Canvas and Developing Tacit Knowledge.

My idea is very simple. I focus on the long-term development of a theme. If we use Andy Blunden’s term, then the long-term development of a theme is the germ-cell of Slow Cognition.

A thematic space refers to a person’s ideas, activities, and practices around one particular theme. A theme can be an established theory such as “Activity Theory”; or a normal concept such as “Platform”, “Life”, etc; and an…



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.