Slow Cognition: This is just an accident

Oliver Ding
Published in
9 min readMay 26, 2022


An example of Ecological Awareness

I made the above picture accidentally yesterday morning. The untended action led to a new significant insight: the free version of “Mapping Thematic Space”. It also inspired me to reflect on the concept of “Space” for the “Thematic Space” project.

I have written a short post about this experience on Linkedin. This article offers more details for further discussion.

The Original Intention

Originally, I wanted to design a new diagram for the Platform Ecology project. If you pay attention to my Medium articles and my Linkedin posts, you will notice my recent activities about the Platform Ecology project which is a master project of my 2021 book Platform for Development: The Ecology of Adult Development in the 21st Century (2021). You can save the following links:

In fact, I started the Platform Ecology project in 2019. In Social Platform Experience Design (#SocialPxD), I suggested a multi-perspective framework for understanding social platform experience design. I also considered an ecology view which focuses on the “organism-environment” relationship.



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.