The Development of Ecological Practice Approach

Oliver Ding
Published in
15 min readApr 26, 2021


Three versions of the Ecological Practice Approach

The above diagram is the newest version of the Ecological Practice approach. This article aims to review the historical development of the approach.


1. A Brief
2. The “Toolkit” version (2019)
3. The “Germ-cell” version (2020)
4. The “Hierarchy” version (2021)
5. Three books (2018–2021)
6. Ecological Psychology v.s. Activity Theory
7. Curating Network of Enterprise
8. Knowledge Curation
9. Possible Practice

1. A Brief

In Oct 2020, I wrote an article titled The Ecological Practice Approach Toolkit and shared my work on a new approach for practice studies. This approach was originally called the Gibson — Lakoff — Schön approach because I adopted theoretical concepts from James J. Gibson, George Lakoff, and Donald Schön.

From Sept 2018 to March 2019, I wrote a book titled Curativity: The Ecological Approach to Curatorial Practice in order to reflect on one of my life themes: Curation. The Ecological Practice Approach was born from the process of writing Curativity.



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.