Why Health Care Companies should Outsource Their Lead Generation?

Rebecca Matias
Callbox on B2B Marketing
2 min readFeb 10, 2016

Healthcare companies have seen a rise in the demand for solutions ranging from diagnostics equipment to patient management facilities. In light of this, health care contractors are hard pressed to grab a big share of the market in a bid lead within the competition.

But such would be a long shot without an effective B2B lead generation platform. Generating B2B leads is essential in saturating the market with your products, thereby maximizing your capital inputs. But this is not to say the task is easy. Like a surgical operation, it requires a great deal of care, problem-solving, and knowledge of intricate processes.

Now, for businesses within the health services industry, outsourcing marketing operations can be considered. No, it may very well be a necessity, especially for companies that have great products to offer hospitals and health insurance providers.

Then again, some might think about the many risks that outsourcing entails. This is mainly because not much focus is put on the many wonderful benefits it can give to an ailing marketing arm.

So, if you think your business is suffering from lead anemia, then consider the following points.

Outsourcing saves you money.

Having an independent partner take care in maintaining a lead management database saves you from having to purchase software packages or develop in-house systems by yourself. Depending on the B2B service provider, your business can gain access to upgraded lead scoring and analytics technologies that can otherwise exhaust your budget.

Dig Deeper: The 5 Perks of an Outsourced Lead Generation Campaign

Outsourcing provides competent manpower.

Another thing to consider about outsourcing is that you get to have competent personnel to handle your telemarketing and appointment setting functions effectively. This allows you to avoid extra costs in hiring additional staff as well as training them to be effective.

Dig Deeper: Lead Nurturing Done Right: Introducing Callbox Pipeline’s Lead Nurture Tool

Outsourcing guarantees you get the right people for your pipeline.

Much of the trouble in lead generation rests in targeting the right people. You will need to locate and track hospital managers, independent health practitioners and directors of clinics and other medical institutions. With a reliable marketing partner by your side, you can rest assured that only the best prospects enter your sales pipeline.

Outsourcing allows you to focus on other important functions.

Knowing that your marketing and sales processes are in good hands, you can turn your attention to more important administrative agenda. In the health care business, it is equally important to free yourself from stress. With outsourcing, you can do so all the while witnessing your business’ steady expansion.

Dig Deeper: Make your Revenue Grow (among other things) with an Outsourced Lead Generation Program

Learn more and get qualified healthcare leads for your business!

This post originally appeared at Callbox blog.



Rebecca Matias
Callbox on B2B Marketing

Content Writer, Business Development Manager at @CallboxInc (#1 LeadGeneration Company). www.callboxinc.com