A global crisis needs a global response

Mami Mizutori, UNDRR talks about what it will take to tackle global issues

Call for Code
Call for Code Digest
3 min readOct 13, 2020


Photo by kylejglenn on Unsplash

Throughout history, we’ve been reminded that massive change takes massive action. When COVID-19 struck, the repercussions were widespread — deeply damaging communities and industries that we never could’ve imagined. In a time of incredible disruption, the desire for things to get back to normal has never been stronger, but it will take a village in order to achieve that.

As part of the 2020 Call for Code Global Challenge, participants were tasked with developing solutions that addressed either the effects of climate change or the impacts of COVID-19. As promising solutions began to file in up until the deadline, the Call for Code team began to search for esteemed experts to act as judges to evaluate the submissions. One eminent judge that the Call for Code team is excited to include on the panel this year is Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR.

Mami Mizutori, UNDRR

Ms. Mizutori served for twenty-seven years in various capacities in the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Prior to joining the UN, Ms. Mizutori was Executive Director of the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, University of East Anglia, UK, since 2011. Ms. Mizutori graduated in law from Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo and obtained a Diploma in International Studies from the Diplomatic School of Spain. Ms. Mizutori’s deep knowledge and expertise makes her an important voice on the judging panel. We were able to catch up with Ms. Mizutori to ask her about her perspectives on the power of Call for Code:

“A global crisis needs a global response.”

Whether it is digitally syncing musicians from around the world, or finding ways to ensure proper mental health during times of instability, technology is bridging the gaps during these unique, precarious times. Ms. Mizutori will play an essential role in selecting the winning 2020 Call for Code solution that will win $200K and receive deployment support.

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Call for Code
Call for Code Digest

This multi-year global initiative asks developers and problem solvers to take on COVID-19 and climate change