We have a water problem. Be part of the solution.

Join the Call for Code Global Challenge to fight back against climate change, and unlock clean water for the world

Call for Code
Call for Code Digest
3 min readMay 26, 2021


Photo by 2721poipu on Unsplash

“When the well is dry, we’ll know the worth of water.” — Benjamin Franklin

Over 200 years later, these words mentioned by Benjamin Franklin still hold so much truth. The world we live in today is one that follows an “out of sight, out of mind” principle. That is, if we don’t overtly see a problem, we have a tendency to believe that a problem may not exist. For far too long, the impacts of climate change have been gradual and steadily compounding. This progressive force has been a thief in the night, slowly but surely eroding the most foundational elements to life on earth, like access to clean water — and it’s becoming noticed around the world. According to the World Health Organization, “1 in 3 people globally do not have access to safe drinking water.” We know that water is the natural resource that is most threatened by climate change and is a prerequisite for life on earth — and we must act now before the well runs dry.

Fortunately, there’s a path forward to bring aid to this global crisis. Through the 2021 Call for Code Global Challenge, a community of 400,000 developers and problem solvers are armed with industry-leading open hybrid cloud technologies, allowing ample opportunity for skill building on the latest technology, all while building a tech solution to drive transformative relief to locations that need it most. Unlike other competitions where winning submissions receive an award, to then only be placed in the archives, the top Call for Code solutions get deployed through support from IBM, the Linux Foundation, and an ecosystem of partners that support the tech for good movement. On top of it all, a grand prize of $200,000 is awarded to the top solution. The Call for Code team is at the ready to provide you with all the tools you need to start your build. Check out the clean water and sanitation starter kit video to learn more about how you can get going:

As the threat of clean water strengthens, the time is now to leverage technology to fight back. Call for Code is your opportunity to bring your tech solution to life. Will you answer the call?

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Call for Code
Call for Code Digest

This multi-year global initiative asks developers and problem solvers to take on COVID-19 and climate change