The Vibrational Sounds Of Chanting, Hare Krsna Maha Mantra, To Your Ears!

Himanish Goel
Searching For Krsna Newsletter
3 min readAug 2, 2023
Credit: Himanish Goel

Are you to find out how chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra 108 times can have a major impact on your soul, mind, brain, and body; through the mechanisms of sound levels going to your two ears?

Then you have come to the right place.

Chanting the holy name only gives calmness, peace, and the fogginess we encapture from our material lives to leave us even quicker. So that we can one day never have to live in this material life in our next life and instead be in the spiritual world with the Supreme Personality of Godhead = Lord Krsna and Mata Ji Radha.

Here is a Fun Fact for the day = What everyone calls life in this material world is the Absolute Truth of Knowledge in the spiritual world.

Firstly, start your journey believing in Krsna, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Secondly, here are a few pieces of hand-picked spiritual texts to give you a starting spiritual perspective of why we need to be Krsna Consciousness in order to leave this material world of suffering.

In Vaikuntha, there is no influence of the material modes of nature, nor any predominance of time, and so what to speak of the illusory energy.

The Supreme Lord said, “Knowledge of Me is very confidential, and it is revealed only to one who is engaged in pure devotional service.

Now let the understanding of My transcendental form, qualities, and pastimes awaken in your heart, by My mercy.

It is only I who existed before the creation.

All that is now manifested is also I, and after the annihilation, only I, the Personality of Godhead, will remain.

ALL texts from the Srimad Bhagavatam. 🙏

These living entities are his superior energy because the quality of their existence is one and the same with the Supreme, but they are never equal to the Lord in quantity of power.

Besides this inferior nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior energy of Mine, which are all living entities who are struggling with material nature and are sustaining the universe.

All texts from the Bhagavad Gita. 🙏

Sound is the method used by the Absolute to communicate with us.

Hearing can bring on deeper feelings states than those aroused by the eye, nose, tongue, or touch because the sense of hearing connects experientially with the heart.

The ear is the sense that allows us access to the subtle realm of spirit through sound impregnated with knowledge (information) and devotion (feeling)

Our ears are the first sense to develop in the womb,
And the sense of hearing is the first sense we use to interact with the outside world:
We begin to hear before we’re born, starting with our mother's heartbeat and, later, sounds outside her womb.

Hearing remains active during deep sleep, when sound will rouse us.

Hearing is also the last sense to leave us.

Our ears serve us throughout life, and they serve us well.

ALL texts from the Prema Kirtan.🙏

And lastly, be sure to tune into the brand-new second official episode of the podcast show, Calling Krsna, created by me for you to lead a better life that’s full of happiness, bliss, and eternal joy of seeing the Supreme Lord one day.

Here is the link to accessing all past, today’s, and future episodes of Calling Krsna =

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Rama Rama, Hare Hare 108 times, And Be Happy Forever, Everyone. 🙏


Himanish Goel (Krishna Devotee)🙏



Himanish Goel
Searching For Krsna Newsletter

There is no distinction between our bodies and souls; it's all up in our minds. Instead, try to be an absolute human, and I promise you to see changes instantly