A Space to Be You

Pamela Thompson
Calling the Leadership Circle
2 min readFeb 18, 2021
Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

A researcher once found that bedside nurses could “stack” more activities in their mind than the average person. This means that they can keep multiple and simultaneous priorities in their heads. These priorities change constantly, but the nurse just keeps rearranging them. We always call this the art of multitasking, but this researcher said no — it is a phenomenon she has only seen in nurses. Nurse leaders do the same kind of stacking, built on the skill they learned when they were at the bedside.

We need to add another box to our stacks — a box called “my Space”. A space where we can lay aside all the stacked priorities and attend to ourselves. It can take many shapes — a space to just breathe, a space to sit and sip a coffee or tea uninterrupted, to sit in a rocker for a few minutes, or just find a few moments to look outside and let your eyes rest on nature.

This space can give us more stamina and fill our reserves. The key is that it must be deliberate. It is not something that we wait for a break in the stacking to do. It is part of the stacking. You must plan for it and assure that you attend to it as you would any of the other priorities of the day.

We are all so occupied with moving from one situation or crisis to the next. We forget that this can deplete our personal resources. Let this serve as a friendly reminder to always include a space to do something that calms and refreshes you. Include a space to be you every day.

About the Authors
Pam Thompson MS, RN, FAAN is the CEO Emeritus of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership, formerly AONE. During the same time, 2000–2016, she was the Senior VP of Nursing for the American Hospital Association. After retiring in 2017, she now serves as a healthcare consultant and volunteer board member and trustee for several healthcare entities.

Marla Weston PhD, RN, FAAN is the past CEO of the American Nurses Association Enterprise which included the American Nurses Association, American Nurses Credentialing Center and American Nurses Foundation, serving from 2009 to 2018. She now is a consultant and facilitator in leadership development, organizational strategy and growth, and future trends.



Pamela Thompson
Calling the Leadership Circle

CEO Emeritus l Healthcare Executive and Consultant l Nursing Leader l Healthcare Industry Board Member and Trustee