7 Useful Callingly Zaps

Automate your phone calls in seven different ways!

Mat Sherman
2 min readMay 26, 2017


Here is a handy list of 7 useful Callingly zaps. Hope you enjoy!

Log Calls to a Google Spreadsheet

Every time you finish call, log the call inside of a google sheets file

Call New List Subscribers

When someone fills out a Mailchimp form on your website, call them to say hello.

3. Schedule a Call When Someone Books A Calendly Spot With You

When someone schedules a time to meet with you, automatically create a schedule call for that time

4. Alert the Team of Customer Service Calls In Slack

Anytime a call comes in for customer service, notify everyone in the a slack channel.

5. Make A List of Voicemails in a Task Manager

When you get a voicemail, log those in a task manager such as Todoist or Wunderlist.

Say Hi To a Highly Engaged Email Subscriber

When one of your Hubspot contacts opens more than X emails, trigger an automatic call to thank them for being a loyal customer.

Call New Leads On The Spot

When a lead on your website fills out an interest form, call them immediately.

Have any zaps you’ve made with Callingly before. Are there any that we missed. Please, let us know in the comments!

