Voices of CallRail

Bringing your full self to work (and why it matters)

3 min readDec 3, 2019


Illustration by Dara Porter

When I applied for a job at CallRail a year and a half ago, one of the things that struck me during my interview was how quickly the company was growing. The number of employees at the company had doubled every year and showed no sign of slowing down. Within months of my start date, the company had grown so much that we expanded to take over another full floor in our office building.

A growing company is a changing company, and CallRail is growing and changing rapidly. The company I work at today is not the same company that I joined in June of 2018. It’s not even the same company I worked for a month ago — and I think that’s a good thing. Each new hire brings new energy and new skills to the office, making CallRail a vibrant and exciting place to work.

A few months ago, I attended a panel on Talent and Innovation at General Assembly Atlanta. One of the panelists, Cassandra Worthy, defined a diverse workplace as one where each employee feels empowered to bring their full self and the breadth of their experience to work. That definition has stuck with me, prompting me to ask, “What does it look like for me to bring my full self to work? How can I help create that environment for the people I work with?”

As a company, we have many ways to share our brand messaging and celebrate our corporate accomplishments with our customers and prospects, but we’re also, on a more basic level, made up of individuals — product wonks, marketing gurus, support experts, and more. Each new hire brings a lifetime of experience to CallRail, from their professional background to their passions, hobbies, interests, and personal experiences. Whether we acknowledge it or not, all of these things enhance who our company is and what we do — even the things that don’t earn a line on a resume or a page in a portfolio.

We decided to create a Medium channel as a way to explore the idiosyncrasies that make CallRail special and give us that “zsa zsa zsu.” To our customers, we’re a company that provides a powerful suite of attribution tools, but that’s not all we are. We’re a former startup entering its next chapter. We’re a software company made up of yoga teachers, musicians, muralists, bike enthusiasts, and journalists. We’re travelers and athletes and parents and friends — and all of those things matter too.

We’re excited to celebrate the many stories and voices of CallRail because the things that make us who we are as individuals are just as valuable as the things that we do as a company.

Thanks for reading!

Corinne Cordasco-Pak is a UX Content Strategist and the editor of the CallRail Medium channel. She spends the majority of her time thinking about feelings and the rest of it with her husband and two dogs.

