Culture, change and transformation: a people-first approach

Richard Sutcliffe
Calls9 Insights
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018

Culture, change and transformation: a people-first approach

Change within a business context can often instil fear into the workforce.

Is my job safe? Will my role change? Will I have to work harder for longer? Why do things have to change? What’s in it for me? How much disruption will it cause?

Sound familiar?

Positive vibes only

If change is imminent in your workplace, you simply need to pull up your positive pants, forge a forward-thinking culture and realise that change is a good thing!

Of course, this assumes that any changes are carried out correctly. From implementation to communication, it’s vital you have a well thought out strategy in place. This is to ensure the execution of your plan triggers no unnecessary negativity or uncertainty among your employees.

Change should NOT increase stress levels. If this is happening, chances are, you haven’t introduced the right technology in the right way. We can’t emphasise this enough, but change should be for the better.

Culture shift

You might think your workplace culture is a positive one but, in all honesty, how accepting and open to change are your team?

With a pressure on businesses to innovate in order drive them forward in the right direction and gain a competitive advantage, a change in how you use technology within your business is inevitable. But, would your employees embrace such technological changes with open arms?

Key to this is explaining the benefits technology can bring to your current ways of working. For example: Are your business operations stuck in something of a time warp? Are productivity levels dropping? Is motivation dipping? Are you constantly battling with dated and clunky systems? Remove yourself from this downward spiral and embark on a digital transformation journey for your business, as well as a shift in culture.

Putting your people first

Here at Calls9, we’re all about the people-first approach. People can make or break a business and if you’re lucky enough to employ the right people, you want to keep hold of them. Therefore, it’s only fair, should change be on the horizon, you keep them in the loop at all times and enforce positive change without affecting your workplace culture negatively.

Explain your reasons, set out deadlines for the various stages of implementation, and, as mentioned, push the benefits. If a change in technology will impact their current ways of working, reassure them that additional support and training will be provided.

What does success look like?

Positive vibes, culture shifts and people first aside, as a business, you need to establish what successful change looks like. As is the case in other areas of success, it means different things to different people.

For your business does successful change mean reducing the time spent doing a particular task? Having the ability to communicate internally better? A non-disruptive implementation? Opportunities to scale? We could go on, but the definition of success is very much personal to your business and its objectives.

Remember, ‘success’ isn’t always about money. Although, it’s definitely a bonus!

If you’re considering a digital change which may impact your culture and team, we’re keen to hear from you. Let’s see how Calls9 can work with your business to ensure a people-first approach.

About Calls9

Calls9 helps businesses launch websites, apps, intranets and digital experiences in record time. By combining our platform with our in-house design and development capability we can deliver digital projects quicker than a traditional agency or software house. And because we built the platform we can provide industry-leading customer support as standard.

