The GDPR Countdown: Are your systems compliant?

Richard Sutcliffe
Calls9 Insights
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2018

If your business controls and processes personal data, then Friday 25th May 2018 should be circled in your diary. Why? This is the date by which your business must show compliance with the new EU General Data Protection Regulations, aka, GDPR.

The term GDPR is currently being batted around left, right and centre but how the new regulations will affect your business depends on several factors. We’re not going to use this blog to detail every regulation but be aware that your business must comply if it is based in the EU and handles personal data; the way you can use, collect and store this data will change.

All this talk of GDPR has got us thinking about compliance and how businesses store, share and manage their information and documentation. As a result, we have some handy business solutions to share with you concerning data compliance and information management in the workplace.

Sitting comfortably? Let’s go.

Food for thought

Ask yourself these questions.

  • Does your business have a secure knowledge portal?
  • If so, do it offer user specific access?
  • And, does it have the option to track user compliance?
  • Does your business require an alternative solution to your intranet framework, OneDrive or SharePoint?
  • Do you need a knowledge management system that gives you real-time business intelligence?
  • Do you need to access the most important knowledge within your business quickly and easily?

If you’ve answered ‘no’ to the first three questions and ‘yes’ to the final three, now is the time to reassess your current systems and processes, particularly when it comes to the safe upload of sensitive documents and information. In addition, you should also be able to guarantee that access to this information is secure and only available to those who need it.

While GDPR and remaining compliant is the main focus here, having the right systems in place, as well as an effective communication strategy, is beneficial for the smooth running of any business. Lucky for you, we have just the solution…

Bespoke software solutions

We developed Calls9 Knowledge Plus Software so that key knowledge within your business can be shared among employees. After all, information and documentation are fundamental to the successful running of a business — particularly in a world now defined by data. However, when handled and stored correctly, it can transform a business into an efficient and compliant operation.

In a nutshell, Calls9 Knowledge Plus Software allows you to share accurate information easily and securely with specific people, teams, or your entire business by uploading sensitive and critical documents and information to one place. This means multiple copies of information are no longer saved in different areas, which allows for improved accuracy, consistency, efficiency and productivity. What’s more, access to this information is available when you’re in the office or working remotely on a desktop, tablet or mobile device.

Along with Calls 9 Nucleus — a definitive platform for all your digital content, marketing, communications and productivity needs — Calls9 Knowledge Plus Software will help your business to keep on top of key areas such as compliance. Delivered to you as a custom design, it provides a bespoke solution to your business pain points.

Don’t leave it too late

Friday 25th May — the date by which your business must comply with the GDPR — is only a few months away, so if you haven’t already started, it’s worthwhile reviewing how your business can improve its software and systems to ensure compliance.

This might mean investing in new digital solutions but rather that than the hefty fines which will be handed out if you fail to adhere to the new regulations. It’s not just about conforming to regulations though; it’s about ensuring your business is performing to the best of its ability with the right platforms, processes and people.

To find out more about Calls9’s bespoke offering and how they can transform your business in time for the GDPR and beyond, please contact the team on 0113 350 6441 or email

About Calls9

Calls9 offer innovative digital solutions to drive business growth and increase team productivity. They have been named by Prolific North as one of the Top 30 Tech Companies to watch in the North and in 2017, their platform delivered digital experiences to over 260,000 users. They are dedicated to making industry-leading products and services to help their customers realise their commercial goals.

