Stop Worrying Over Your WebRTC Product & Use a Rad Monitoring Solution

As a product manager, your goal is to provide your customers with the most valuable and reliable product possible in a reasonable timeframe. When building real-time communications products, this can be particularly difficult and stressful to accomplish. Users quickly notice when video and audio calls are laggy and get annoyed. Without proper monitoring, you may not even know your product has an issue until users start to complain. This is the worst case scenario for both you and the customer.

Imagine this: your customer support team starts getting user complaints about video conference quality. Your users are getting frustrated because they can hear the person on the other end, but the video freezes often. This is something your product team had not experienced during testing, but now in production seems like a constant issue. You talk to the product team, and they don’t know where the issue is coming from. Your current WebRTC monitoring solution is a few simple logs that don’t highlight much. You have no idea where to begin to address this fatal flaw with your product.

If you have experienced this or something similar, you are not alone. Many of our customers come to us with minimal to no current monitoring capabilities in search of a better solution.

How can a WebRTC Monitoring Solution Help?

A complete, end-to-end, real-time monitoring solution can provide you with the peace of mind of knowing how your product is performing immediately. At, our dashboard provides service level and conference level metrics to give you and your team the entire picture. Service level metrics give you as the product manager an overview of the reliability of your product, while conference level metrics give your DevOps team more detailed information to identify and debug where issues are coming from.

The Value of Key Dashboard Metrics at the Service Level

  1. Growth of Your Service through tracked number of calls.
  2. Customer Engagement through call duration.
  3. Customer Waiting Time through average call setup time.
  4. Quality of Your System through the quality of multimedia experience based on transport and multimedia metrics.
  5. Customer Happiness based on user-reported feedback.

Our conference level metrics allow you to easily escalate issues to your DevOps team so they can drill deeper into individual conference issues.

The Importance of Insightful Dashboard Metrics at the Conference Level

  1. Start and Stop Time for the Conference
  2. Participants and Connection Information
  3. Event Timeline for Each Participant
  4. Plots of Transport Metrics
  5. Media Quality Metrics for Each Participant

Objective Quality

Objective quality is one of our most popular high-order metrics because it is a single metric that helps you evaluate the quality of your calls — instead of looking over a bunch of metrics. It evaluates the quality of a conference call by giving each stream a score based on user annoyance. In addition to this, users are able to rate their call experience and provide feedback, which you can use to compare to the objective quality score.

Top 5 Metrics

We also highlight the top 5 metrics our customers use to resolve conference issues, so you can easily see which metrics will help you the most. This includes app versions, browser versions, locations, and operating system versions.

Service level metrics, conference level metrics, top 5 metrics, and objective quality all come together to give you and your team a comprehensive look at your WebRTC product, so you are never caught unaware when something goes awry.

Originally published at


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