From Doplr to Cally

Maya Carmeli
2 min readJan 16, 2019


This time in 2018, all we had was an idea and an assignment from eLab to go out and talk to customers. Since then we’ve quit our day jobs, completed “manual” pilot tests, built V1 of our software, and began on-boarding new teams to the platform. We’ve been running on a diet of caffeine and customer feedback, and loving it (both the good and the bad).

Early users have described feeling more connected at work, and have been able to address the “elephant in the room”, whether it was about remote workers feeling left out, ineffective communication, or arcane team processes. Teams cleared up misunderstandings and even accomplished the seemingly impossible task of making meetings enjoyable & productive. We recently caught up with an early pilot tester, who was excited to share that her team transformed from one of the least engaged in the company to one of the highest. All this goes to say, we learned that our value proposition goes beyond “analytics”. We’re a company that seeks to remove barriers to collaboration and help teams work better together — analytics or not.

With these insights, we no longer felt that “Doplr — Team Analytics” represents who we are or who we want to become. With the help of our friends at Burns Group, a brand transformation agency in NYC, we’re excited to share with you our newly found brand identity.


Cally comes from a combination of the words collaboration and catalyst. By providing visibility into team dynamics and guided recommendations, we make how you collaborate the catalyst for your success.

Our new logo is an elephant. The elephant is a highly social creature that learns from others, as we do on a team. We were inspired by the symbiotic relationships that elephants have with other species in the animal kingdom. For example, the egret gets a free ride and a meal off the elephants back, and the elephant is cleaned of parasites and warned of oncoming danger. In the same sense, teamwork is a collaborative process of harnessing the diversity of each member to create something bigger, better, and more impactful.

Special thanks to our early adopters, advisors, friends, and family for supporting and joining us on this journey. We’re excited to march toward a more collaborative world as Cally, with egrets on our backs and humans by our side.



Maya Carmeli
Editor for

co-founder at Cally, fascinated by the “magic” you feel on a great team, mother of 2 pretty cute cats.