Looking into the future: to live, love, dream & (not) die

Lucanus Polagnoli
Calm/Storm Ventures
3 min readJul 2, 2020

Roman Hagara, Paul Ivic & many others share their personal success stories and take a look into the future in Calm/Storm Venture’s new publication ‘Future Ahead! Investing In A New Decade’.

We all know the success stories of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. There are, however, also truly exciting success stories beyond Silicon Valley, from athletes, investors, founders, scientists, chefs and many more. These experiences are not only inspiring for startup founders, but for everybody with a thirst for personal and professional development.

‘Future Ahead! Investing In A New Decade’ is a limited-edition book that is not available for sale, as it also serves as the annual report of the recently established venture capital fund Calm/Storm Ventures by Lucanus Polagnoli, Michael Ströck and Johann ‘Hansi’ Hansmann. In addition to olympic sailors and celebrity chefs, numerous successful entrepreneurs contributed to the publication: Alfred Luger, co-founder of Runtastic and Paul Klanschek, co-founder of Bitpanda, just to mention a few. While it is usually easy for people to share how they were successful, the authors of the magazine distinguish themselves by being willing to share their failures, to make sure that the next generation can learn from them.

The secret of the successful entrepreneur: learn from the experiences of others

“Entrepreneurship is a continuous storm: To master the storms, you need a willingness to learn throughout your lifetime. The personal development of a founder must keep pace with the hyper growth of the company in order not to fail.” says Lucanus, co-founder & managing partner. The motivation to publish the book was to share Calm/Storm’s thesis and how the fund collaborates with young founders.

Calm/Storm strongly believes in the benefit of lifelong learning. In order to learn from others, however, you also need those who are willing to openly share very painful experiences. And you need a suitable place for the open exchange — where everyone feels “safe” and can leave the “pitching-mode” at the door.

“We are very happy that with our Calm/Storm ACADEMY we achieved both”, according to Michael Ströck, co-founder and managing partner of the firm. “The book gives an insight into this exchange of experiences. I’ve been at Y Combinator — there is no other place where you can learn that much in such a short time as a young entrepreneur. With our Academy we are trying to get as close as possible to that experience.”

The book, ‘Future Ahead!’ is full of secrets of successful people sharing their experiences. They all answer the same questions that are at stake in life and business: in four major chapters the book deals with a person’s essential questions: How do we live in the future? How do we love? What do we dream of? And how to (not) die?

The answer: Learn, change & stay calm!

Please get in touch with hello@calmstorm.vc for a copy of the book.



Lucanus Polagnoli
Calm/Storm Ventures

Founding Partner Calm/Storm Ventures. Former General Partner @Speedinvest. I help entrepreneurs and love sailing. Investor @sn_health2 @mykeleya @hihealth_de