Future-proofing Alpha Fame

We’ve developed a new smart contract to improve and future-proof Alpha Fame. Make sure to migrate your crates.

A.G. Rynham
7 min readMar 20, 2023


A couple of potential Alpha Fame items

The essential information:

  • We’re improving and future-proofing how Alpha Fame works.
  • We will pause Alpha Fame distribution for one week. All Daily Fame will be blank during this period.
  • If you have crates, you should migrate them to continue collecting Alpha Fame.
  • After one week, we will restart the distribution of Alpha Fame.
  • If you have not moved your crates, you will not receive any further Alpha Fame.
  • There is a visual guide for how to migrate here.
  • You can read about why we are doing this below.

We’re upgrading our Alpha Fame smart contract, and if you have deposited any crates, you will need to move them to continue collecting Alpha Fame. This process is super simple and should only take five minutes. You can find a short guide on what to do here or at the end of this article.

What will happen

We will pause the distribution of Alpha Fame for one week from today so that everyone can move their crates across without being disadvantaged. Daily Fame will be blank for every account during this pause period. If you have deposited any crates, you should log in and migrate them now. Next Monday, 27 March, we will reinitiate the Alpha Fame distribution.

A region of wetlands on Serra

A short background to Alpha Fame

We introduced Alpha Fame in April 2021, and we have been distributing 10,000,000 Alpha Fame to Serrans every week ever since. As with other crowdfunded projects, similar to what you might see on Kickstarter or Indiegogo, we wanted to offer something similar to an early backer reward system as a way of giving back to the many Serrans that have supported our project.

Therefore, if you own crates, you can deposit them in your Inventory and collect Alpha Fame.

In the future, Serrans with Alpha Fame will be able to spend it on cosmetics and other items. Often these items will be limited in number, and you will only be able to purchase them with Alpha Fame. As Alpha Fame cannot be traded, it means if you are supporting the project now, you will have access to these exclusive items to collect, show off or trade in the future. In contrast, people who join the project further down the line may not have this opportunity or will have to buy those items from other players.

Fun future possibilities for Alpha Fame

We think rewarding Serrans with Alpha Fame for owning and depositing crates is a great way of being able to contribute towards repaying the faith you have shown in us. However, in the future, we may want to be able to reward Serrans with Fame in other ways too. Upgrading the smart contract will allow us to do that.

For example, we may want to allow Serrans to deposit other Synergy of Serra assets so they can receive Alpha Fame. We could use this to run limited edition events, add value to specific cosmetic items, or simply increase the number of items eligible for Alpha Fame.

Serrans have adapted to harsh polar regions.

We could even collaborate with other projects to add their game assets to Alpha Fame. This could open up our project to potential new players and partners, and we might even see Serrans get some freebies from a collaborating project.

Liquidity pools as automatic market makers are also an ambition of ours. They would allow for instantaneous trading of some of our assets, meaning that Serrans would not have to wait to find a partner in the trade. Upgrading the smart contract would allow us to offer Alpha Fame as an incentive in that process, and it would mean that we could also offer Alpha Fame as a form of loyalty points scheme for our in-house marketplace should we wish.

Finally, Alpha Fame would be available as an alpha phase leaderboard reward. This has always been part of the plan, and we want to be able to offer a diverse range of rewards to Serrans for competing in ranked mode seasons and fighting your way up the table.

Aabuims are part of the Native Faction

Why we need you to migrate crates

Alpha Fame uses a smart contract to work. This means that everything is transparent and available on the blockchain to anyone to interrogate should they wish. Another feature of smart contracts is that they are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed. While this feature helps with transparency and trust, it makes upgrading smart contracts more complicated.

In order to upgrade, we need to create and activate a new smart contract. Importantly, because we never have control over your crates, we are asking all Serrans with crates to move their crates themselves and deposit them in the new smart contract.

However, being very aware of this complication, we have designed the new smart contract, AlphaFameV2, to be as future-proof as possible. Of course, no one knows what the future holds, but ideally, we do not want to have to ask everyone to do this again.

Weighting of Alpha Fame eligible items

Deposited Transcendent Set crates earn double the weekly Alpha Fame as deposited Base Set crates. In the new smart contract, we have adjusted this system to ensure that Transcendent and Base Set crates remain important for Alpha Fame. The 2:1 ratio remains, but from now on, each eligible asset will have its own pool of Alpha Fame to draw from. This will reduce some of the dilution effects that may arise from adding more assets, such as a new crate edition, to Alpha Fame. We will release a full explanation of this in the coming weeks.

Alpha Fame Shop

In the future, we want to be able to offer an extensive range of items for Serrans to spend their Alpha Fame on. We want to have something for everyone, from the very small to the most luxurious items. Although nothing is finalized, items could include promo cards, special game board items, limited edition Alpha Fame avatars, exclusive Unit spawn animations, Alpha Fame card backs, and limited edition cosmetic card upgrades.

We know that Serrans are anxious to be able to spend their Alpha Fame, but at the moment, we want to prioritize developing the game so everyone can play and finishing the Base Set cards so we can get ready to host another Unlocking Event. Rest assured that we haven’t forgotten you. We may even make Alpha Fame usable before we release the shop. In the meantime, please continue collecting Alpha Fame safe in the knowledge that we have big plans for the Alpha Fame Shop. If you have any ideas for a cool Alpha Fame item, then please drop them in #📝suggestions in our Discord server.

A Brr’Tik dwelling

How to migrate your crates.

  1. Log in and go to your Inventory. Click the Alpha Fame button.
  2. Click the Migrate Crates button. Once you click this button, a window will pop up. This window will guide you through the process.
  3. When the window appears, click Withdraw to remove your crates from the old smart contract. This can take a few minutes.
  4. Wait for the green confirmation message and click Deposit. This can take a few minutes.
  5. Wait for the second green confirmation message. Click Done.
  6. Your crates have been moved to the new Alpha Fame smart contract.
  7. Remember, Alpha Fame distribution will go live again on 27 March 2023. So nobody will receive any Daily Fame between now and then.
Log in and go to your Inventory. Click the Alpha Fame button.
Withdraw crates and wait before continuing.
Follow the rest of the steps in the window.

Who are we?

Our vision at Calystral is to unleash the potential of gamers. We are focusing on building games where the time and effort put in is rewarded with real value. Enhancing the players’ experience and empowering gamers to achieve more. In the process, we strive to overcome the technical limitations of Blockchain Technology and use its benefits to lift games to the next level. We would love to share these solutions with the community and other developers. Towards a better future of Gaming!


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A.G. Rynham

Community Manager for the Synergy of Serra deckbuilding trading card game. I have ME/CFS but I'm slowly rehabilitating.