Introducing… Ranked Seasons

Energy & Sticky Attachments are back too!

A.G. Rynham
4 min readJul 21, 2023


Patch v1.15.0

Yesterday Aaron announced a new patch and, with it, the introduction of Ranked Seasons. We also see Energy return in a new form, and Attachments are now permanent.

Ranked Seasons

Each Ranked Season will last for two weeks. Players will compete to rank up on the leaderboard. The higher up the leaderboard you rank, the more rewards you will win.

Ruby Lodge Champion by Andrés Agostini

Ranked Season 1’s reward will be our soul-bound token, Alpha Fame. We also have plans to expand what can be won in future Ranked Seasons. Until then, though, you should keep stocking up on Alpha Fame, with good reason.

Serrans must play at least 15 games during a season to qualify for rewards, and the amount of Alpha Fame awarded will be based on your rank at the end of the two-week Ranked Season. The first Ranked Season starts today, Friday, 21st July.

Community-created emoji by budz#8865

Energy: back but different

Energy makes a return in a new form. As in earlier versions, cards require Energy to play them. However, now, each player has a pool of energy to play from.

Your Energy is topped up by increasing amounts each turn, and as you have a pool of Energy, you can save it across turns to build up your Energy pool. We believe this will add another layer of tactical flexibility and decision-making to the game. Players will need to judge whether to spend the Energy to play a card now or whether the Energy will be better spent in the next turn(s). Your pool has a cap of 15 Energy, though, so you can’t save forever.

Ebys Heavy Cargo by Stefano Andrieri

Sticky Attachments

We appreciate articulate, considered feedback so we can grow and improve, and we are proud of our community for consistently delivering it. We listened to your feedback on how the game felt without sticky Attachments and agree that it is something that makes Synergy of Serra feel unique and special.

As a result, Attachments will no longer be removed when a Unit is destroyed. In fact, Attachments are now permanent. Once attached to a unit, they will remain attached for the entirety of the game unless an effect separates them.

This means you will need to consider your choices carefully. Do you attach something less optimal now for an immediate advantage, or wait for that perfect synergy between Unit and Attachment to attach? Only you can decide.

Cridian Tinkerer by Gregory Grigorev

Prototype & testing

Alongside the more obvious changes, we have also revamped the backend architecture for a smoother experience. The Unity release is coming, but until then, we still want the prototype to be as playable as possible.

However, despite how nice and playable the prototype game client is, it is still only the prototype. As such, there will be bugs and a lot of gameplay tweaks and balancing changes to be made. We aren’t afraid to test different ideas and take your feedback on board. We hope that recent updates are evidence of this.

We want to thank you for being on this journey with us to make Synergy of Serra the best it can be. As already said, there are some more exciting things in store for 2023.

Who are we?

Our vision at Calystral is to unleash the potential of gamers. We are focusing on building games where the time and effort put in is rewarded with real value. Enhancing the players’ experience and empowering gamers to achieve more. In the process, we strive to overcome the technical limitations of Blockchain Technology and use its benefits to lift games to the next level. We would love to share these solutions with the community and other developers. Towards a better future of Gaming!


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A.G. Rynham

Community Manager for the Synergy of Serra deckbuilding trading card game. I have ME/CFS but I'm slowly rehabilitating.