Play the Proto-Alpha with us!

The first invites are being sent.

A.G. Rynham
4 min readJan 31, 2023


Essential information

  • Serrans are being invited to play the Synergy of Serra prototype.
  • Invitations will go out in waves, and there will be various waves.
  • All players will need to conform to a non-disclosure agreement.
  • 25 Serrans can get access before their wave by completing Bagni’s Quiz Challenge.
  • This game client is a prototype for testing gameplay.

What’s happening?

From 31 January 2023, we will be inviting Serrans to join us in playing and testing the Synergy of Serra prototype game client. Proto-Alpha players will get access to download this prototype game client via the Synergy of Serra website. They will also have access to new community chatrooms to give feedback, find match-ups, and share strategies.

All of this is under the condition of accepting a non-disclosure agreement, meaning no details can be shared in public. We’re not quite ready to share our wonderful game with the world. It is only a prototype at the moment, after all.

How can I play?

The invitations to join the Proto-Alpha will go out in waves via email based on when accounts were created on our website; the first Serrans who enlisted on our website will be the first to join the Proto-Alpha. Subsequent waves will go out depending on capacity, game data, bugs, feedback, and other metrics.

You’ll be able to see information about the waves and your number in the Proto-Alpha section of the website.

As a bonus, we are hosting a competition where the main prize is to gain immediate access to the prototype, regardless of when you signed up. All you need to do is complete Bagni’s Quiz Challenge; ten questions to test for the truest card gamers and ten questions to test for only the most knowledgeable of Serran lore. Get all 20 questions correct, and you will gain access to the Proto-Alpha.

Be quick, though; there are only 25 places up for grabs through Bagni’s Quiz Challenge.

How will I know when it’s my turn?

A new Proto-Alpha section on displays your number and a progress bar. This new section will also display how many people have been invited, when previous waves were invited, and how many Serrans were invited in each wave. It is also where you will be able to download the prototype game client when you have been granted access.

If you haven’t enlisted on our website, you can still create an account and wait to be invited. Or complete Bagni’s Quiz Challenge, of course.

Why is this happening?

A lot of work has been put into developing the prototype game to this point, and our close-knit tester community has proved invaluable in bringing their card gaming experience and feedback into the process.

However, we need more. Therefore, we have launched the Proto-Alpha to get more Serrans playing the prototype game.

The Proto-Alpha will allow us to gather more playing data and feedback from our community, which will further help balance and develop the gameplay and core mechanics. This information will also feed into the development of the new Unity-based release client.

What should I expect from the prototype?

We have come a long way since we played with our original wire-frame model of the game, from adjustments to our leveling and trashing mechanics to card changes and Faction balancing. Not only that, the prototype has never looked so good. The wire-frame model is no more.

Despite this, the game client is still only a prototype. So dramatic sound effects, stunning graphics, and wild animations are being reserved for the release client, which we are currently building in Unity.

As such, we will be looking for as much relevant feedback as possible from the Proto-Alpha community. We will provide details on this, but we will need the feedback to concentrate on gameplay and core game mechanics rather than graphics, sound effects, or animations. Of course, we welcome all suggestions, but the priority at the moment is gameplay, gameplay, gameplay.

Become the Sage of Serra

We look forward to seeing you in the game lobbies and queuing for opponents, chatting about your decks and exchanging strategies, and rising the ranks to compete to become the Sage of Serra.

Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on our website for even more information.

Who are we?

Our vision at Calystral is to unleash the potential of gamers. We are focusing on building games where the time and effort put in is rewarded with real value. Enhancing the players’ experience and empowering gamers to achieve more. In the process, we strive to overcome the technical limitations of Blockchain Technology and use its benefits to lift games to the next level. We would love to share these solutions with the community and other developers. Towards a better future of Gaming!


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A.G. Rynham

Community Manager for the Synergy of Serra deckbuilding trading card game. I have ME/CFS but I'm slowly rehabilitating.