Tech-Pioneer cards are here!

Which card will you get, Munching Bugun, Sleepy Keevling, or Mesmerized Vopol?

A.G. Rynham
3 min readApr 14, 2023


The Tech-Pioneer cards. Card art by Brian Valeza.

We are thrilled to send out the Tech-Pioneer reward cards today. If you created an account on the website before 20 June 2022, you will randomly receive one of the three cards; either Munching Bugun, Sleepy Keevling, or Mesmerized Vopol.

You will find the card in your card library by going to Advanced Filters, then filtering by All Editions, and selecting Promo. These cards are collectible souvenirs, a thank you from the team for creating an account with us so early on in the project’s life.

Anatomy of a bugun.

As the cards are NFTs, they will be tradeable on any platform that supports Polygon. So, if you didn’t receive your favorite card out of the three and want to swap it for another, you will be able to do that. Additionally, if, for whatever reason, you want to sell this exclusive collectible, you will be able to do that too. Of course, if people are willing to sell their cards, that will mean opportunities for the collectors among us who want to own the full set of three.

Anatomy of a keevling.

We are sending out 59,195 of these NFTs, so that means there will be fewer than 20,000 of each gold animated version of the cards in existence, ever. Which card you get will be randomly decided by a smart contract and so recorded on the blockchain. The mint numbers will be allocated to the cards in the order of signing up to the website. Therefore, the earlier you signed up, the lower the mint number you will have. Each card will have its own run of mint numbers meaning there will be a mint #0 for each card.

Anatomy of a vopol.

The Tech-Pioneer rewards started in July 2020 as a type of stretch goal reward for increasing the number of accounts created on the website. The other rewards still to be distributed to qualifying accounts include the Tech-Pioneer card back, Avatar Frame, and Unit Spawn Animation. You can keep track of this on our Events page.

The rest of the rewards will be distributed at appropriate times in the future and will add to the list of rewards for early supporters alongside the Gold Card Back and Alpha Fame more generally, but also more exclusive items like the Halloween21 crate, Bagni Decentraland wearable, and the Golden Ticket to Serra.

Munching Bugun
Sleepy Keevling
Mesmerized Vopol

Who are we?

Our vision at Calystral is to unleash the potential of gamers. We are focusing on building games where the time and effort put in is rewarded with real value. Enhancing the players’ experience and empowering gamers to achieve more. In the process, we strive to overcome the technical limitations of Blockchain Technology and use its benefits to lift games to the next level. We would love to share these solutions with the community and other developers. Towards a better future of Gaming!


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A.G. Rynham

Community Manager for the Synergy of Serra deckbuilding trading card game. I have ME/CFS but I'm slowly rehabilitating.