The Serra Chronicle | Vol.23 №.05

Heralding news from hextricts all over Serra || 1CR

A.G. Rynham
3 min readJun 2, 2023


Medico Drone by Stefano Andrieri


The Council of the Six has upgraded the prototype versions of the Personal Command Modules that Serrans will use to compete in the Grand Tournament. These are still only the prototype models, but the Council of the Six wanted to improve usability and speed for new and returning Serrans alike.

In addition, all of the Serrans that had requested to compete have all been given access to their prototype Personal Command Modules. An access key is now required to get involved in testing the prototype. Luckily, the Council of the Six plans to give away many keys in the coming months.


In a move that the Council of the Six hopes will help Serrans learn about the Grand Tournament and how to compete, it is no longer forbidden to share images or videos of the Personal Command Module.

We have already seen Serrans sharing live footage of them testing the prototype and competing against other Serrans. We’re looking forward to seeing more.

Boosted Bouncer by Sam Perin


The Council of the Six has issued a call for information. There is a short, ten-minute survey currently open that will aid in how the Council of the Six will reach Serrans in the future. There is a chance to win one of ten munitions crates by completing the survey here.


The progress of the yellow munitions crates, also known as Base Set, has now hit 78% on the Grand Tournament portal. When the bar hits 100%, the Council of the Six will begin to prepare the Crate Unlocking Event.

There have also been other important updates to the portal overall, including the Inventory pages, the Shop, and some additional new pages too.

Tlec’pa Mercenary by Alen Rocha


The Council of the Six has begun to unveil a selection of the tools, weapons, and troops that will be available to competitors in the Grand Tournament. Some of the Holographic Data Cards contained within the Base Set munitions crates are available to see in #card-reveal.

The Holographic Data Cards are essential to how Champions will compete in the Grand Tournament, so an immense amount of work goes into getting them right. The Council of the Six recently provided some insight into this process which you can read here.

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A.G. Rynham

Community Manager for the Synergy of Serra deckbuilding trading card game. I have ME/CFS but I'm slowly rehabilitating.