Choosing the Right Enterprise Platform for Your Government

Calytera Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2019

Today, CSDC is launching its new GovTech Solutions Series that examines key challenges, considerations, and options facing today’s government CIO, IT professional and department leader. Our first solution article explores the advantages of government investment in enterprise platforms.

Governments of all types and sizes rely on technology to provide essential services to their community. As governments make technology investments to provide services more efficiently, create safe and prosperous communities, and increase online transactions and mobility, investing in enterprise platforms provides the best return on investment.

Three key challenges face governments when selecting and using technology to deliver services to their community: several departments with many employees are providing those services; governments need technology to bridge from the technology of tomorrow to the legacy systems of yesterday. And accessing one master source of the data used by various departments and new data generated by each is critical.

An investment in the right enterprise platform can help governments overcome each of these challenges and provides several advantages:

  • The ability to support multiple services and departments and share data.
  • With common approaches and data sets, multiple jurisdictions can take advantage of enterprise platforms as a shared service, furthering efficiency. For example, learn how a community in Ontario has done this.
  • An enterprise platform can create and work from a common data set — data that has huge potential value if it’s accessible.
  • Using one platform across various departments reduces cost and complexity.

Additionally, when selecting technology, government technology professionals will want to consider:

Read the full GovTech Solutions Series on enterprise platforms here.

If you work with a government looking for an enterprise govtech platform that can help you create a safe and prosperous community, CSDC can help! You can see an Amanda product overview video and contact us for a demo of our Amanda platform.



Calytera Blog

Calytera helps governments create safe and prosperous communities.