GovTech Solutions Series: Building a Truly Smart Community

Calytera Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2019

Principle Three: Analyze and Action Data

CSDC’s latest Solutions Series paper is now available. In this paper, we consider the third principle of creating a community that is truly smart — analyzing and actioning large amounts of data in near real-time to directly benefit citizens and their community.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the development and use of technology to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence — things like visual and speech recognition, answering queries and searching for information, and — importantly — data analysis. Put simply, to effectively analyze and action the vast amount of data to which governments have access requires technology.

Importantly, many of the most promising plans for deploying AI help augment, not replace humans. Freeing up government employees from dealing with the mundane and repetitive allows them to focus on higher value work.

There are challenges for governments that are ready to make smart community and AI investments:

· The adoption rate is slower in the public sector than in the private sector. A Gartner survey shows only about 20 percent of government CIO respondents report actively experimenting or making investments in AI.

· Governments, in general, don’t currently employ enough data scientists to adequately plan for all of the smart communities they would like to launch.

· There is some natural leeriness by both the public and government employees to the use of AI, primarily fueled by the idea that AI will begin to eliminate the need for many jobs that exist today.

Read the full paper on our site to learn more about why AI is a critical component of a smart community and how today’s government technology professional should approach this third principle of creating a truly smart community.

If there are topics you would like to hear about in future papers, let us know! You can contact us here.

If your government is ready to build a smart community, we would love to help. Contact us today to set up a demo of our Amanda Platform, or to take a preview before we talk, visit our short Amanda product overview video.



Calytera Blog

Calytera helps governments create safe and prosperous communities.