Introducing Camazotz Collective — A Safe-Haven Land-Based Web3 Profit-Share Cooperative In The Mexican Yucatan Jungle

Gavriel Shaw
Camazotz Cohaven
Published in
7 min readNov 7, 2022

Camazotz Collective is a node in the emerging Network State — with an IRL (in-real-life) location in the middle of the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula.

The purpose of Camazotz Collective is to showcase how land-based cooperatives can thrive using distributed governance, while providing an environment that supports maximum human vitality.

To get things started, we have purchased a Finca (Spanish for country estate or ranch) with 110 acres (45 hectares, equivalent to 70 soccer pitches) of nature reserve in the Yucatan jungle surrounded by Mayan tourist attractions.

Previously managed as a nature reserve with camping facilities, we are now upgrading it with donations, investments, paid programs, and volunteers towards being a full-time on-site hospitality and community venue — and in time, a sovereign village.

Visit the public site (version 1) at and see our community driven public roadmap here on Notion.

Values & Vision for Camazotz Collective

Each one of us in the web3 community need and deserve more locations for creativity, connection, lifestyle, and transformation. A resting place for renewal. A playground for creativity. A venue for productivity. ‘Camazotz’ is the ancient Mayan bat-god of the underworld, indicating our theme of transformative personal and cultural rebirth.

Our vision for the project boiled down to 3 bullet points:

  1. Regenerative Caring Community — working holistically to rebuild an authentic and supportive community network with the values of health, connection, peace, creativity and romance.
  2. Natural Abundance & Off-Grid Self-Sufficiency — converting the property into an oasis of healthy comfort including permaculture food forests, bio-architecture homes and structures, with creature-comfort facilities for peace of mind.
  3. Smart City Futurism — including the best of cutting edge innovation to enhance the pleasure and ease of living, such as IoT sensors, aeroponic food cultivation, smart solar, StarLink satellite Internet, health spa facilities, and so on.

Overall, a playground and workhaven for people who love being surrounded by nature, with a deep sense of individual autonomy and empowerment based on distributed governance, and a thirst for superhuman accomplishment. It won’t appeal to everyone. But for a small and growing group, we know it will resonate 100%.

We’re taking inspiration from various Land DAO related projects, such as Project Kamp, City DAO, Cabin City, and PortalDAO.

We are aligned with the values of Seeds, Nation3, Sea Steading, Sociocracy, and The Network State.

Camazotz Collective Governance

The distributed governance of Camazotz Collective will begin via proposals and contributions from a new on-line community, leading to a permanent on-site community at the Finca.

The governance model will help steer decisions and investments for infrastructure, publicity, tokenomics, etc. We will also publish our economic model on co-operative profit share soon.

Check out where you’ll find our v1 Manifesto, options to get involved, and an advocacy tab.

We have registered various social channels and will begin to use the ones that our community naturally gravitates to in the coming weeks and months.

Join the Telegram Announcement Channel, Twitter or Discord. We’re also publishing on YouTube, LinkedIn, Mirror (coming soon) and Medium with our email newsletter and podcast published via

A Sense of Urgency

Today’s geopolitical trajectory seems headed for a major train wreck and we anticipate a time when society throws off the constraints of suppression — via new forms of distributed governance — to begin a supercivilized society based on non-violent communication and profound respect for our individuality.

We want Camazotz to become a beacon of transition. A collaborative node connected to similar efforts around the world. Sharing the learning curve in developing best practice for building the network state. Re-building a better social fabric through distributed governance.

What Do We Need?

We need the insights and efforts of experts: from earthy permaculture through to best practice legal opinions, visionaries, marketers, developers, landscaping advisors, biomimicry architects, event managers, educators, NFT jedi’s, and more.

Camazotz Collective events are coming soon. Interviews, AMA’s, on-site event programs, and more. We will activate the Discord community using self-organizing team solutions and DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) tooling.

To be clear, we define a self-organizing collective similarly to a DAO as an organization of stakeholders who help govern resources and share incentives (including financial) working towards a common purpose.

Connect with us via your preferred channels: Telegram Announcement Channel, Twitter, Discord, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Medium.

Subscribe to our email newsletter and podcast on

Working Group Guilds

Our strategic objectives for Camazotz Collective currently suggest the following as distributed working groups:

  • Site Management Guild — from solar installations through to self-sufficient water, food, waste and beyond, plus on-site maintenance including landscaping, building construction, hospitality service management, and so on.
  • Events Guild — organizing, promoting and delivering exceptional event experiences to guests both on-site and via our online community spaces.
  • Brand Guild — helping to define and communicate the values and opportunities available via the Camazotz Collective.
  • Co-Op Guild — building a commercialized cooperative structure for community businesses both on-site and on-line as part of the Camazotz Collective partner network and brand.

More working group guilds are expected to form in due course. Propose one to the team via our Discord.

Role Profiles

Camazotz Roles will become available to community members via the Camazotz Discord.

Here’s what we foresee so far:

Visitor Roles

Camazotz Visitor

Visit our Discord or visit us IRL at Camazotz Finca. Easy peasy.

Camazotz Dweller

Visit us IRL (in real life) at the Camazotz Finca for at least 4 nights to relax, enjoy, and participate in our progress on location.

Camazotz Patron

Sponsor any of our development projects. Check out the Donate tab via for current fundable projects.

Camazotz Promoter

Help get the word out about Camazotz Collective via content and campaigns that invite people to visit us online and/or IRL.

Resident Roles

Camazotz Steward

Collaborate on project plans for on location developments including new construction projects, land cultivation for food, tourist attractions, ReFi (regenerative finance), event programs, and more.

Camazotz Teacher

Conduct online and/or IRL educational experiences for the Camazotz community.

Camazotz Moderator

Help manage the flow of conversation in Camazotz Discord to nurture opportunities for quality participation.

Citizen Roles

Camazotz Settler

Stay on location at Camazotz Finca for at least 1 month while contributing time, effort, talent, and funds to developing the land settlement.

Camazotz Director

Design and implement ideas in areas such as community experience, monetization, treasury management, and governance while taking on accountability for new Camazotz Collective revenue streams.

Camazotz Delegate

Guides the evolution of Camazotz by sponsoring working groups, approving treasury for program budgets, approving appointees to Steward and Director roles, and evolving community bylaws.

What’s Next for Camazotz Collective?

Before delegates, directors and stewards can collectively plan anything such as token launches, NFT launches, or governance voting mechanisms, we need to:

  • Find collaborators to help develop the roles outlined above, and strengthen what we have started at the physical site location and the online community.
  • To improve on-site infrastructure for comfortable accommodation including small cabins, a modern kitchen, enough solar power for all our gadgets and appliances. We need enough facilities at sufficient quality for a limited number of collaborators to stay on-site at the physical property for different lengths of time.
  • Begin a public knowledge base including a Camazotz Manifesto (v1 available at, Camazotz Bylaws (in progress), and Camazotz Economic Model (in progress to be published soon).

There is no Camazotz Collective legal entity as yet. We are currently going through the motions of transferring property ownership as a normal private land purchase.

Gavriel signing the land purchase agreement with the notary public on August 19th 2022.

For the future, we envision all aspects of true distributed governance including tokenized incentives for contributors, and NFT-based access rights to shared profit pools and discounted use of Camazotz facilities. We’ll need to get the legalities and economics right.

Join our channels for updates: Instagram (general publicity), Telegram (collective announcements channel), Twitter, and Discord (grassroots online community hub), YouTube, LinkedIn, Substack, Mirror (coming soon), and Medium.

Who’s Involved So Far?

Gavriel Shaw and Joshua Seymour have sponsored the start of Camazotz Collective.

Gavriel Shaw — Director of Cyclic Media, Inc, a training platform for web3 startup founders.

Joshua Seymour — Founding Member of Avolve. Contributor to various DAOs such as Eden, Fractally, Hypha, Rehash, and SupercivilizeDAO. Father and husband.

Both have a consistent history of pursuing the transition from failed centralized elitism to a freer and fairer system of autonomy and tolerance.

Both Joshua and Gavriel are considered ‘radical futurists’, pursuing extreme life extension and a total transformation in the governance mechanisms and values of Earth’s current civilization. As such, we support the work pursued by VitaDAO and applaud Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin’s commitment to anti-aging research (see this excellent August ’21 Cointelegraph article on cryptocurrency and longevity).

The broader team at Camazotz Collective consists of friends, partners, network contacts all contributing feedback, research, ideas and efforts to help shape plans for the future.

Our broad premise is this: As sovereign individuals operating via distributed governance we can become superhuman in maximizing vitality and build a supercivilization that best serves our future potential.


If this announcement aligns with what you want to see in the world, we invite you to connect with us.

Check out the manifesto atop and the 5 tabs on that page for our roadmap, volunteer opportunities, donation projects, advocacy, and more.

We are available for a limited number of media interviews.

#refi #defi #web3 #regenerativeeconomy #distributedenergyresources #permaculture #offgridliving #digitalnomads #cypherpunk #bitcoin #decentralization #superhuman



Gavriel Shaw
Camazotz Cohaven

Building nodes in The Network State via Web3 Startup Masterclasses & Physical Land-Based Collectives