Cambiatus is the first Brazilian dApp on EOS… go figure!

Karla Córdoba-Brenes
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2019

This piece was first published on Steemit

Cambiatus was formerly named BeSpiral.

Last August 28th 2018 we participated in the first EOS Rio Meetup in São Paulo city BandTec Digital School. We were pleased to meet some of EOS Rio team members (Luiz, Dominique, Igor, Thiago), who introduced their work to an enthusiastic crowd of EOS fans, developers and promoters.

EOS Rio team guided us through the different blockchain generations, the differences between POW (Proof-of-work), POS (Proof-of-Stake) and DPOS (Delegated Proof-of-Stake), what a Block Producer actually does on EOS and the main tools available today to entrepreneurs and developers aiming to build on top of EOSIO. We learned about Sidechains and its advantages (including the possibility of sharing Block Producers between parallel chains). One of the main focus of the conversation was Governance, a hot topic in EOS community right now.

During the event we learned about Huobi and all the tools they offer for crypto-crypto trading. Huobi is also a Block Producer and is supporting EOS Rio Hackathon.

I attended the meetup with Ranulfo Paiva Sobrinho BeSpiral co-founder and Julien Lucca, our Lead Developer, and together we had the amazing opportunity to introduce Cambiatus main concepts and structure (including a quick sneak peek of our beautiful brand new user interface… I’m such a #proudmom)… It’s so nice to have the chance to share our ideas and receive positive and constructive feedback from people also committed to solve problems and create thriving communities.

From left to right: Karla, Ranulfo, Thiago (EOS Rio) and Lucca.

And… surprise! surprise! We got to know that Cambiatus is the first Brazilian dApp on EOSIO! such an honour to be taking the first steps on this journey, hoping to inspire many others to experiment and create with EOSIO powerful technology.

The work that EOS Rio is doing is fantastic, developing the infrastructure but also a strong community eager to collaborate. We share their vision of cooperation in Latin America, towards building a solid knowledge base in Spanish and Portuguese about EOS technology, tools and emerging projects.

Being from Costa Rica #PuraVida (I’m a happy Costa Rican living in Brazil) I had to get in touch with EOS Costa Rica (another strong EOS Block Producer). After a positive and refreshing video chat with Edgar, Xavier and Gabo, I’m more than certain that the Latin American EOS community is full of possibilities. We love to be linking EOS Rio and EOS Costa Rica, and looking forward to collaborate with these two amazing teams to spread the voice about EOSIO on the region.

Cambiatus will also be one of Costa Rica’s first dApps, following DMeetup, SmartGate and other Costa Rican initiatives.

Many thanks to our sponsor Shuttleworth Foundation and all the amazing people on our team for joining us in this adventure.

An inspiring quote I’ve found at BandTec Digital School: “In a world becoming more and more digital, true personal relationships are even more important in our lives”

Cambiatus is an open platform that allows any group of people with a shared socio environmental purpose to design, launch and maintain their own cryptocurrency on blockchain, under their own rules and values. With Cambiatus communities will minimize negative consequences triggered by economic crisis, at the same time solving environmental and social problems.

Do you want to know more about Cambiatus? Check out our website, follow us on Medium, or subscribe to our email updates to stay tuned for our future posts about our vision, plans and future pilot communities.



Karla Córdoba-Brenes

Blockchain, ReFi, Collaborative Businesses - Cambiatus & CofiBlocks CoFounder - SingularityU & Shuttleworth Alumni - Starknet Wolf Pack |