Surfguru and Route launch the Surflimpo Community and its social currency DROP, for the protection of the oceans

Críscia Cesconetto de Mesquita
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2022

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DROP was launched, Brazil’s first social currency for cleaning beaches and protecting the oceans. Earn DROPs by participating in beach cleanups and other actions promoted by the Surflimpo Community. Know more!

DROP is a complementary currency that rewards people for cleaning up beaches and other miscellaneous actions encouraging ocean protection. Fruit of the Surflimpo Community, a project conceived by a partnership between Surfguru and Route Brasil, the DROP coin was designed during the last three months and can now be claimed and used. To do this, you must join the Surflimpo Community, register, and start earning your DROPs.

You can earn DROPs according to your participation, energy, and time spent in various activities, such as:

  • joining the community;
  • volunteering or coordinating a beach cleanup for the Surflimpo Project;
  • registering for Surflimpo Project events as a photographer, filmmaker, or covering social media;
  • producing content about the Surflimpo Project (blog post or article, post on social networks, production of a scientific article, work in congress or production of an undergraduate thesis);
  • performing executive production, leading, facilitating or participating in activities during a Surflimpo Project action (such as yoga class, surfing class, conversation circle, ecological trail, seedling planting, signage effort, educational lectures, cultural and recreational activities , recycling workshops, etc.);
  • being reimbursed in DROP for being part of the Route 1% program or for donating to the Surfguru Impact fund;
  • being a Surfguru PRO subscriber;
  • sponsoring a Surflimpo event (with or without barter);
  • among other actions.

You can earn DROPs not only by doing several of these actions but also by creating a product or service offer in our store within the community. By earning the currency, people who are part of the Surflimpo Community can use it to purchase services, goods, and various products within the community, such as Surfguru subscriptions, products from Route and other people in the community, and partner projects.

The primary purposes of the Surflimpo Community involve taking care of the oceans by promoting beach cleaning actions (already practiced by Route and Surfguru), bringing education and socio-environmental awareness, and using surfing as a tool for transformation and social inclusion. The DROP currency was created and designed by Surfguru and Route Brasil through the tools and methodology of the Cambiatus platform, which uses open source and blockchain technology.

Cambiatus is an open-source platform that facilitates the creation of Social Currencies and Collaborative Businesses using blockchain technology.

Through this community, we want to impact a whole community of nature and ocean lovers in Brazil (and in the world, who knows?), volunteers, and small and large companies that also want to make a difference to have a better beach, a better sea, for the future of the oceans, for the health of the planet and, consequently, for our health as well, for this generation and the next. Let’s go together?

Want to be part of the Surflimpo Community?

Join the community now through this link, register, and start earning your DROPs. Stay tuned for our communications on social networks and the Surfguru website. For questions, contacts, and partnerships, contact us at

Stay on top of Surfguru’s actions

Sign up for Surfguru, and follow the news on our website and our Instagram @surfgurupro.

Stay on top of Route Brasil’s actions

Follow our activities through our website and on our Instagram @routebrasil and @routeinsta.

Stay on top of Cambiatus

To learn more about our work and our communities, follow the development of Cambiatus on our Medium, our website, and subscribe to our newsletter here.



Críscia Cesconetto de Mesquita

Bióloga, Fotógrafa e Criadora de conteúdo. “Vida plena, coração leve”