Surfguru and Route team up with Cambiatus to create a social currency encouraging ocean protection

Críscia Cesconetto de Mesquita
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2022

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DROP, the first beach cleaning and ocean protection social currency in Brazil is in beta, designed by Surfguru and Route through the Cambiatus platform, which uses open source and blockchain technology.

“Eu Abraço o Oceano” (I embrace the ocean): Route Brasil activity also happened at ES staye in Brasil, with Surfguru’s leadership at Praia da Costa, Vila Velha.

The Route Brasil Institute, an NGO with the mission of being an engagement route to neutralize the impact of consumption on nature, joined Surfguru, the largest wave, wind, and tide forecast portal in Brazil, to carry out the unprecedented mission of creating the first currency for cleaning beaches and protecting the oceans in Brazil. The creation and design of the currency are being done using Cambiatus tools and methodology.

Cambiatus is an open-source platform that facilitates the creation of Social Currencies and Collaborative Businesses using blockchain technology.

Both Instituto Route and Surfguru share the same objective in this mission, and together they created the Surflimpo Project, a partnership that is being born between the two organizations. The primary purposes of the project involve taking care of the oceans by promoting beach cleaning actions (already practiced by Route and Surfguru), bringing socio-environmental education and awareness, and using surfing as a tool for transformation and social inclusion.

One of the many activities of the Surflimpo project includes the creation of the Surflimpo community itself on the Cambiatus platform and its complementary currency, which will be called DROP. Community members will be able to earn DROPs according to their participation, energy, and time spent in various activities that are being planned by the Surflimpo project team, such as: cleaning beaches, installing and managing eco-barriers, facilitating lectures and conversation, recycling workshops, waste sorting, among many others. By earning the currency, people who are part of the Surflimpo community will be able to use it to purchase various goods and products within the community, such as Surfguru subscriptions, Route products, and partner people and projects.

At Cambiatus, building a community consists of three basic steps: the first is the mindset change, where basic ideas related to money, complementary currencies, and blockchain are presented based on digital materials produced or curated by the Cambiatus team. At this point, the goal is for the community to learn to relate to money differently. The second step is the process of co-designing the complementary currency (current phase in which the Surflimpo community is), being one of the most important steps, where the community discusses the context in which it lives and, guided by the identification of its purposes, defines actions and rewards, as well as other technical details of the complementary currency. And finally, the third and final step is the implementation of the coin’s co-design in practice and community creation on the Cambiatus webapp, where the agreements signed in the previous step are integrated, and community members can claim DROPS and exchange products and services using them.

Through this community, we hope to impact a whole community of nature and ocean lovers in Brazil (and in the world, who knows?), volunteers, and small and large companies that also want to make a difference to have a better beach, a better sea, for the future of the oceans, for the health of the planet and, consequently, for our health as well.

Want to be part of the Surflimpo community?

The launch of the community and this new complementary currency is planned to take place within the next 30 days, and you can be a part of it. Stay tuned for our communications on social networks and the Surfguru website. For questions, contacts, and partnerships, contact us at

Stay on top of Surfguru’s actions

Sign up for Surfguru, follow the news on our website and through our Instagram @surfgurupro.

Stay on top of Route Brasil’s actions

Follow our activities through our website and on our Instagram @routebrasil.

Stay on top of Cambiatus

To learn more about our work and our communities, follow the development of Cambiatus on our Medium, on our website, and subscribe to our periodic reports here.



Críscia Cesconetto de Mesquita

Bióloga, Fotógrafa e Criadora de conteúdo. “Vida plena, coração leve”