365 Days of Productivity

4 Ways You Can Maximize Your Productivity This Year

Here’s how you can get more done in less time

Wesley Owens
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2020


Photo by Norbert Kundrak on Unsplash

One buzz word I’ve heard a lot about in the last year is “productivity.” Everyone seems to be talking about it, writing about it, or speaking about it.

All these people are trying to answer one essential question: How do we get more work done in less time?”

Luckily, there are a few tried and tested techniques you can use today to increase your productivity by leaps and bounds. Of course, productivity hacks are often different for different people: what works for you might not work for another person.

I’m going to show you four powerful techniques to maximize your productivity this year.

1. Break Up The Day

Breaking up the tasks you have to do in a day can work wonders on your productivity.

One way is the Pomodoro Technique, which has you break up your tasks in manageable blocks of 25 minutes of time.

You can use some variation of this technique to be more productive. Try choosing a block of time in which you concentrate on getting specific tasks done. Take 30 minutes, for example, to finish that memo you’re working on, or 45…



Wesley Owens

I’m a writer and designer living in California, and creator of Love. The Magazine. https://wesleyowenswriter.weebly.com/lovethemagazine