365 Days of Productivity

Curate Your Notifications to Stop Your Phone Stealing Your Time

Save 19 days a year by cutting your smartphone use by half with this clever Android app

Carter Tinsley
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2020


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

How many notifications do you get every day? I bet you get a bunch. I get assaulted by as many as 200 notifications a day.

If you’re like me, when you feel your phone buzz you just have to reach for it. That notification sits at the front of your mind until you check it, whether it’s instantly or in an hour's time. Those persistent notifications cause us to check our phones a whopping 150 times a day!

We spend an insane amount of time on our phones. One study found that participants used their phones for nineteen hours a week on average. That’s two and a half hours per day. Some of that time is spent on essential and productive tasks but most of it is procrastination.

Some people experience phantom vibrations even without incoming phone notifications. I encounter phantom notifications regularly.

It’s time that you break your notification addition once and for all. When you wrestle control of your attention back from your phone you can use that energy to achieve great things. Read on to find out how.



Carter Tinsley

Writer • Editor • Father • Life-hacker • Poet • Entrepreneur • Productivity & Mindfulness Coach