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Mindfulness Evolved: Realize the Dream to Awaken Presently

Understanding the emergence & nature of your experience

Illogical Concept
Published in
9 min readJan 28, 2020


What does it mean to have an experience? Can we understand the experience from within the experience? Or is that like understanding a dream from within the dream?

Waking up isn’t shocking. Rather, it’s more like “yeah, duh” or, in some cases: “ugh.” Your alarm goes off, and you wake up, you remember where you are. If you remember your dream, at all, you know it was a little more than silly, and that’s if you even take a moment to consider it.

A dream is a psychotic, delusional state, and as such, you’ve no comprehension that it is so. It’s not until you awake that you have a reference point from which to gauge the psychosis and delusion.

So, this actually presents a bit of a problem. Without an even more aware state, how can we gauge our present experience and actions? You know how you can see right through it when kids lie? Or you can quickly grasp their motives, sometimes even when they don’t. Clearly, we should realize that others could view you and me in the same way. The implications for our vision of self are profound.

There is one thing we know for sure. To have an experience is to be confined within a narrow spectrum of sensory perception. You…

