365 Days of Productivity

How to Entertain Your Brainwaves to Induce Laser Focus

Experience the positive psychological effects of isochronic brainwave entertainment

Carter Tinsley
Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2020


Fake skull wearing sunglasses and headphones.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Beep! Beep! Beep! I’m ripped from my slumber by my crude alarm clock — It’s 5 am, and I fumble with my phone to turn it off.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee fills my senses as I sit down at my desk to write. But the coffee isn’t enough. I still feel dazed, struggling to throw-off the dense fog of last night.

How do you induce a state of focus when nothing else works?

Brainwave entertainment is an excellent place to start. I’ve been using it for several years, and the results are profound.

What Is Isochronic Brainwave Entertainment?

Isochronic brainwave entertainment is a series of tones that are turned on and off at a consistent rate. Imagine a tone that is being turned on and off rapidly — that’s brainwave entertainment. It sounds straightforward and wishy-washy, but there is a method to this madness.

Research shows that brainwave entertainment can improve general cognition for the listener and be therapeutic for a range of disorders like chronic stress, pain…



Carter Tinsley

Writer • Editor • Father • Life-hacker • Poet • Entrepreneur • Productivity & Mindfulness Coach