Reclaim Your Hijacked Inbox by Unsubscribing to Mailing Lists

A clean inbox makes for a clear mind

Carter Tinsley


Gmail inbox on a screen.
Photo by on Unsplash

How many unread emails do you have in your inbox?

I currently have 10,159 in my primary inbox. To make matters worse, I have nine active email accounts for different businesses and websites. I’m not even including my less active accounts. That’s a mountain of emails crushing the life out of me, and you.

We can’t work like this.

The Effect of Messy Inbox on Productivity

A bloated inbox is a massive drain on your productivity. It steals your time and saps your energy. Email is a fantastic tool, but due to its ease and lowcost, we’re bombarded with far more information than we ever were in the snail mail days.

Research shows that email can exert a range of negative impacts on you:

  • The time you have to spend to manage your emails, including reading, filtering, sorting, and replying to them.
  • Email backlogs can cause anxiety, and clearing backlogs is a waste of time if the emails are non-essential.
  • The immediacy of many emails interrupts the flow of your workday.
  • Improper use of emails such as spam and phishing emails



Carter Tinsley

Writer • Editor • Father • Life-hacker • Poet • Entrepreneur • Productivity & Mindfulness Coach