365 Days of Productivity

The Smart Way to Make Tough Decisions

It’s not easy to choose the right path

Carter Tinsley
Published in
7 min readJan 3, 2020


A wooden pawn on a chessboard surrounded by fallen chess pieces.
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

“Decision making is an art only until the person understands the science.” — Pearl Zhu

Life Is Full of Complex Decisions

Are you stuck between a rock and a hard place? I know how you feel, I have to deal with complex problems all the time in my jobs,

Decisions can arise as you run into problems or can be a necessity to stay ahead of the curve. Whether it’s an urgent matter or you’re planning for the future, you probably make dozens of small decisions and a couple of big ones, each and every day.

I’m going to show you my step-by-step decision-making process. Then I’ll show you how to take it up a level and change a clumsy decision into a brilliant one.

The Decision-making Process

Making decisions can be complicated. Many choices, like the one I’m grappling with now, don’t have a clear winner. Most of the time, there are trade-offs with each option — none of them being perfect. A well-defined process is an excellent way to make complex decisions and to remove the emotion that leads to bad choices. Here are…



Carter Tinsley

Writer • Editor • Father • Life-hacker • Poet • Entrepreneur • Productivity & Mindfulness Coach