365 Days of Productivity

The Weirdest Way to Wake-up Feeling Fresh

How to use your bladder as an alarm clock

Carter Tinsley
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2020


White toilet in a modern bathroom with blue tiles.
Photo by Panama7 on iStock

People urinate six to seven times a day on average. You probably didn’t think this monotonous bodily function could help you be more productive, did you? Well, weirdly enough, it can.

You can actually use your bladder as an alarm clock, waking-up bright, rather than being yanked out of a deep sleep by your phone blaring loudly at you. This wisdom came to me from a nurse in a neonatal unit where my daughters were patients. I tried it, and it works — really well. So, now I’m sharing it with you.

“You know how creative people are, we have to try everything until we find our niche.”
― E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

When Your Bladder Sings, You Run

To use your bladder as a biological alarm clock, it helps to understand a little bit about how it works:

  • Your bladder starts sending signals to your brain when it’s about half full. This is when you first get that sensation that you might need to pee soon.
  • A healthy person drinking two liters of fluid a day will excrete 800 to…



Carter Tinsley

Writer • Editor • Father • Life-hacker • Poet • Entrepreneur • Productivity & Mindfulness Coach