Your Free Trial is Over

Cami De La Cruz
Cambria De La Cruz
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2018

My Spotify Premium payment failed and it taught me a lesson about boys…

Alright I know — I know, that sentence sounded just about as cray reading it as it did when I wrote it, but yeah YOBO — You only blog once (a week).

So here it is:

This week was a toughy one. I had two exams and two papers due (not including this blog) and I was just not livin’ my best life. And if I am being honest, the only three things that was really keepin’ me going was coffee, Taylor Swift announcing her opening acts for the Reputation Tour (I fangirled SO hard), and streaming my girl Lorde’s Melodrama album on Spotify.

That was until my Spotify payment failed…

Now if ya know me, you know I am probably on my third debit card this year (I just can’t seem to keep up with those little guys!) So per usge, I didn’t update my payment method, and BOOM — Spotify hit me with the “Would you like to renew your subscription?” banner. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation or maybe it was listenin’ to Supercut on loop for the last four hours but for some reason that banner was the wake up call I so needed.

Because I realized just like Spotify, dating or relationship-ing is a trial, and if we aren’t careful we may be giving that guy or girl a free subscription…

And lets face it…

There are two types of people we meet. There’s the “I want to date you” type and the “I want to keep you around just in case I need you” type.

But here’s the hard part…

How can we tell if we are a convenience or if we are an interest? I’m askin’ for a friend.

And here’s my “not-exhaustive-but-hopefully-comprehensive-answer”:

Actions speak louder than words.

Because even when the most thoughtful and delicate words are strung together, they are meaningless without gestures. And this is the point a lot of us miss (myself included).

We get so hung up on the “I love yous”, “I miss yous” or my personal favorite, “You mean so much to me,” that we get distracted and miss the obvious. What steps do they take to let you know “how much you mean to them” or “how much they love you” without saying it? If your answer is an “I don’t know,” you are a convenience to them. They realize they don’t have to justify their words with actions, because they know we will always be there. And most of the time they know they don’t have to commit to us because we’ve made a comfortable living in the “unknown zone”. The kinda uncertainty zone that exists between friends and lovers, dating and relationships, and long term relationships and marraiges.

So here’s where I stand…

If they are treating you like an option instead of a priority, it’s time we let them know their free trial with you has ended and if they are still interested they are going to have to renew their subscription.

Because there is a fine line between being treated as a convenience and being taken for granted…

