Cami De La Cruz
Cambria De La Cruz
Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2018


Hi there friend -

So here’s the thing:

Most of our life is inherently spent in the “in-between”. In between exiting childhood and entering adulthood, in between growing up and growing old, and most importantly, the space that lies in between questions and answers. If you haven’t noticed, life is constantly leaving us with unanswered questions. Whether it’s wondering how long you need to wait before texting that “cute” dude in your class or knowing when you are playing too hard to get. Regardless of the situation, we are in more cases than most left without answers. So call me 50 shades of cray, but what does a girl have to do to get some answers…I’m asking for a friend.

I’m asking for a friend…

because the only thing worst than not having answers is your friend knowing you don’t have the answers to seemingly common sense questions. Believe me, been there — still there. Just like you, I was assured on the first day of school in every class K-12 that “there are no stupid questions”. And to be blunt — that’s fake news. Not only are there stupid questions but we are penalized by the opinions of others for asking them. Do you know what else they forgot to mention? These so called “common sense questions”…well they just aren’t all that common. This blog is going to strive to answer the unanswered questions, and most importantly act as a platform to navigate through the difficult questions to the so called “common sense questions” no one wants to ask but everyone wants to know.

As for why you should listen to me?

Maybe you shouldn’t — After all, what does a psychology/pre-med student really know about relationships? It’s not like STEM majors really have a social life anyways. Well here it is, I’ve sat through several science lectures in my time spent at the University of Southern California. And while Chemistry makes absolutely no sense to me the majority of the time (maybe even all of the time), biology does. Want me to let you in on a little secret to human behavior? Here it is. Despite people believing they are so different, we are not as different as we all think. In fact there is a phenomenon in biology that perfectly summarizes our motivation in life into four stages. That’s right — all of us. It’s referred to as the four f’s: fighting, fleeing, feeding, and…um…mating. That’s it. All that space I talked about us having in the in-between — Yep, it can be summarized into those four F’s.

So you ask…

if human behavior is SO predictive how is it I still do not understand why that guy or that girl who seemed like they was totally into me yesterday left me on read today? The short answer: it’s not them…it’s you. The long answer…it is all a game and from what I can see, you’re not very good at it. BUT…here’s the good news, most of us aren’t…including me. So what do you say we go on this little adventure together and explore these unanswered questions from crushing’ to dating to relationships and everything in-between. You down? I’m asking for a friend.

