The UK’s First LinkAges Intergenerational Housing Project

Student Hubs
Cambridge Hub
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2017

The 2017 UK general election was seen by many as a battle between younger and older voters, ending in a score draw. Divisions between the generations need to be healed if we are to build a stronger Britain.

One of the ways to do that, as highlighted by Stephen Burke amongst others, is creating shared spaces for all ages.

This is exactly what CHS Group and Cambridge Hub are planning to do through an innovative ‘LinkAges’ Intergenerational Housing Project.

Intergenerational Innovation Uncovered

LinkAges is the first project of its kind in the UK. Postgraduate students are being recruited by Cambridge Hub to be offered flats in a CHS sheltered housing scheme at intermediate market rents, in return for volunteering 30 hours per month with existing older residents.

Peter Hall, Operations Director at CHS, explains that the project is the result of some innovative thinking in a strategic review of the future of sheltered housing:

‘The review looked at many options for the future, including demolition and redevelopment. None of the them could meet CHS’ aim of delivering the same numbers of affordable housing.

‘And in thinking about alternative uses for the existing building, we factored in the shortage of accommodation for postgraduates in Cambridge, loneliness issues for many older people despite sheltered housing being increasingly unpopular, and some of the great intergenerational volunteering and housing work taking place in Holland and elsewhere in Europe.

‘Taken together they formed the germ of an idea, which we have been able to develop further with Cambridge Hub.’

Lily Macfadyen Tomson from the Cambridge Hub explains why the initial call from CHS to discuss their proposals was very welcome:

‘At Cambridge Hub we are part of a national network of LinkAges volunteering projects, connecting students from universities to older people in their local communities. These projects build valuable bridges between the generations — providing support and companionship for older people, and fantastic life and work experience for students and postgraduates.

‘I am all too familiar with the issue of a lack of affordable housing for postgraduate students in Cambridge. I also have a very personal interest in Intergenerational Housing, having completed my thesis on the very subject and visited/worked on projects in Heidelberg!

‘I was very surprised and pleased to take Peter’s initial call seeking our assistance in developing this initiative.’

Bridging Gaps & Reducing Loneliness

Subject to formal approval by CHS’s regulator, the project aims to move the first batch of students into flats in the sheltered housing scheme from September 2017.

Expressions of interest from postgraduate students for the initial 3 to 5 spaces available have been strong, and tenants of the sheltered housing scheme have generally welcomed the project.

Amongst the intended outcomes are improved health and wellbeing and reductions in loneliness for existing sheltered housing residents, and positive volunteering experiences and affordable accommodation for students.

Rose, an existing tenant, welcomes the proposals, saying: ‘Enabling postgraduates to have lower rents in exchange for some volunteering with us older residents is a great idea.’

Maria Brenton, Senior Cohousing Ambassador of the UK Cohousing Network, also welcomed the creation of the LinkAges Intergenerational Housing Project. She says: ‘This project offers positive benefits to both young and old and a way of improving life in some sheltered housing schemes, which may perhaps need an injection of new energy.’

Evidence from Holland and Germany suggests there will be positive impacts for both young and older generation in this UK setting too.

The project will run for an initial 1 year period from September 2017. If evaluated as successful after consultation with stakeholders, it will be extended to other CHS sheltered housing schemes.

Further information is available at the Cambridge Linkages website. You can also contact

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Student Hubs
Cambridge Hub

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