Occasionally I Feel Like I Don’t Fit The Norm

Cambyo Team
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2018

When we asked “What do you not like about your body?”, one woman answered she occasionally thinks she doesn’t fit the norm. It takes her conscious effort to stay positive towards her own body.

As humans, we often compare ourselves with others. Those comparisons can quickly become “shoulds” — as in “I should look like that” and we start a negative dialogue with ourselves over the way we look or feel in comparison to others.

We are starting to see brands like Dove change how they market to their customers and even launch projects like the “Dove Self-Esteem Project” but still the numbers of “plus-sized” models on the runways and at fashion shows is really low comprising only 0.43% of total model castings. That low number is a big improvement over previous years.

We have a long way to go to show all shapes and sizes as beautiful on billboards, TV, and the internet but at least advertisers, agencies, and brands starting to become aware of the power of a more realistic message.

You can also read stories about body image on cambyo. We are excited to see more open and vulnerable conversations taking place to create new norms around body image.

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This is post is part of our insights series based on the cambyo intimacy survey.

The artwork is by the fabulously talented Virginia Alonso Navarro.

