An introduction to the Camden Green Loop…

What does it mean? How can you get involved? How will it impact Camden?

The Camden Green Loop starts with you; the local residents, business owners, community stakeholders and admirers of this wonderfully eclectic and dynamic borough. Together, all of these groups and individuals help us to influence a place-shaping strategy which will contribute directly to the change you want to see in the area whilst celebrating our greenspaces, local businesses and cultural destinations.

The Camden Green Loop is a concept inspired by the ’15-minute city’ - a strategy calling for a city’s citizens to be able to meet their basic needs within a 15 minute walking or cycling distance. The Camden Green Loop aims to create neighbourhood’s that better serve locals with increased connectivity and beautiful, flexible public spaces which will link up houses, offices, restaurants, parks, hospitals and cultural venues.

The Camden Green Loop projects will be co-designed and co-produced through workshops, discussions and consultation with local communities. The aim is to prioritise projects which directly respond to community desires and help to build an environmentally conscious and socially driven agenda for the Green Loop. Connectivity and walkability between the Camden Green Loop is one of our key missions. The Camden Green Loop connects the areas of Kings Cross, Euston and Camden Town, which importantly are all accessible by green transport modes. The approaches developed under the Camden Green Loop aim to better allow the community to make the most of their physical environment through a network of high quality green spaces, public realms and activated buildings. It will also adopt its own arts and cultural strategy within the area, promoting local arts institutions and cultural experiences, as well as implementing our own creative projects. Another significant mission of the Camden Green Loop will be to enhance the biodiversity of our local area, developing new green spaces, planting trees and encouraging nature to thrive. All of these strategies will enhance the area as both a visitor destination and local haven.

So far, the Camden Green Loop flagship projects are:

· Camden Highline — having appointed a design team, the next stages are planning permission and fundraising.

· Drummond Street Vision — this year will focus on public realm enhancements such as shop frontages, lighting and art.

· Camden Collective — continue to support young and creative start-ups with inspiring co-working spaces.

· Camden Inspire — host public events involving local independent businesses and find ways to creatively celebrate our public spaces.


With 2022 having been the hottest year on record in the UK, now more than ever it is important to recognise the climate impacts of each project and ensure sustainable policies and strategies are put in place. Local businesses have a significant stake in this issue with 60% of Camden’s emissions coming from commercial sources. The Camden Green Loop will bring together business communities to collectively face the challenges of climate change. By working together we can help to improve climate resilience and mitigate climate threats. The Green Loop Climate Plan provides the supportive infrastructure, joint funding opportunities and access to resources and contacts to simplify climate action for the business community. We are encouraging local businesses to join our Climate Community and receive support in developing a sustainable business model.

How you can get involved with Camden Green Loop projects?

· Become a member of the Green Loop Climate Community

· Join our workshops

· Camden Highline walking tours

· Sign up to our newsletter

· Donate to the Camden Highline

· Get in touch (

Explore the Camden Green Loop map with Footways:

To find out more about the Camden Green Loop and upcoming events, please browse our project website found at the following link:



Camden Town Unlimited and Euston Town.
Camden Town Unlimited & Euston Town

Camden Town Unlimited (CTU) and Euston Town are the elected organisations behind the Camden Green Loop neighbourhood strategy and climate action community.