In Conversation with…Danish artist ‘No Title’

We spoke to large scale mural specialist No Title who’s artwork is currently on the ever-changing Stucley Place to find out more about his art, style and inspiration


When and how were you offered the opportunity to paint the mural on Stucley Place?

I had worked on a wall in Shoreditch last year and the organizers (Monoprixx and Notbanksyforum ) also had access to the wall at Stucley Place. As it happened I was also going to Upfest in Bristol so I set the trip up as a week-long painting expedition.

Why did you choose Camden to paint your mural?

Painting in Camden was fun. It’s always a social event to paint walls in the streets, because the passersby often are curious and like to talk about the process and the artwork. In this way I really got a sense of what was going on in the neighbourhood , saying hi to the same guy going to and from work every day and chatting with the street art tourists.

Can you tell us more about the mural itself? What inspired you?

This piece is about conflict as an important part of what it means to be human. On the one hand the piece is a somewhat cynical comment on the extremely polarized political climate in the world today — and on the other hand it’s an acknowledgement of conflict as an inescapable element in human nature. As creatures in the world we seem to thrive on conflict and sometimes even want to cultivate and use it. The painting is a manifestation of my curiosity as to why this is the case.

How long did the mural take you?

I do all of my sketching digitally, drawing large numbers of slightly different versions of the piece before selecting the final sketch. For this piece I spent a couple of days working through about 20 different variations before landing on the final sketch. The paint work at the wall took me two days.

Can you tell us how you got into mural art?

I think it began when I as a teenager started painting on friends’ walls — and at some point it dawned on me that I also could do walls in the streets. I like that the audience can discover and experience the paintings outside the established art spaces and I like the random and immediate connections they can create with whoever might find them in the places they pass through.

How would you define your style? What differentiates your style from others?

I always try to remove all unnecessary details to achieve the simplest expression possible. I want to paint simple visual statements that can be perceived instantly, but I also want these images to have enough complexity to trigger a curiosity in the viewer as to what is going on in the image. I want them to be lifted out of their daily routine and to think about what this can possibly mean. My style is probably best described as minimal and monochrome, often influenced by organic structures in nature and the systems of the body.

What would you say, has had the largest impact upon your particular style as an artist?

I am not quite sure what has impacted me as an artist, but I do know that I find a lot of energy and inspiration in music — especially minimal, ambient music.

Make sure you come and visit his mural on Stucley Place in Camden!

Find out more about here.


Instagram: @notitledk




Camden Town Unlimited and Euston Town.
Camden Town Unlimited & Euston Town

Camden Town Unlimited (CTU) and Euston Town are the elected organisations behind the Camden Green Loop neighbourhood strategy and climate action community.