Academic Antisemitism: In the Name of Palestine, Let’s Fail Some Jews

CAMERA On Campus
CAMERA on Campus
Published in
1 min readApr 7, 2021

By Seth Mendel, 2020–2021 CAMERA Fellow at theUniversity of Colorado — Colorado Springs

Photo: John D’Alembert/Wikimedia Commons

Surprise, surprise: another case of academic discrimination against Jewish students. This time, the culprit is a chemistry teaching assistant at Johns Hopkins University named Rasha Anayah. It seems her hatred for Israel has morphed into the potential abuse of her academic power.

In late November, she posted a Twitter poll asking whether she should fail Zionist students on exams because “they support [her] ethnic cleansing,” and more than 75 percent of those who responded voted to “free Palestine! Fail them.” She posted this shortly before acknowledging that failing students in such a manner is a fireable offense. Commenting on the results of the poll, she confirmed this personal desire to discriminate. A few days later, she posted tweets describing how she felt “stabbed” upon seeing a Tel Aviv street sign decal on a peer’s laptop.

Why is this moment on Twitter so alarming to many Jewish people, you ask? First, we need to define Zionism.

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