CAMERA on Campus Plans to Disrupt “Israeli Apartheid Week”

CAMERA On Campus
CAMERA on Campus
Published in
1 min readMar 3, 2021

It’s happened every year since 2005. Anti-Israel activists on college campuses around the world hold a weeklong series of events, usually in March, that demonize Israel as an “apartheid state.”

Speakers at these events falsely allege that Israeli policy toward Palestinians is analogous to the repression experienced by the Black majority during the racist years of South African Apartheid.

Often, anti-Israel activists organize street theater and construct “apartheid walls” on campus in order to gain student attention to their outrageous allegations against the Jewish state.

But CAMERA on Campus plans to disrupt this year’s “Israeli Apartheid Week” with a new campaign that rebuts the lies and informs students with facts about Israel.

The #ApartheidWeekExposed campaign includes a website that features a virtual “apartheid wall” scrawled with common falsehoods told by anti-Israel activists such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). When a viewer hovers his or her mouse over these falsehoods, a text box will appear with facts that refute SJP’s allegations.

For more information on CAMERA’s new campus campaign, visit

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