‘Death to America’ Shouldn’t be a Lesson Plan

CAMERA On Campus
CAMERA on Campus
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2020

By Eitan Fischberger, CAMERA’s Israel Campus Advisor

Photo: Fibonacci Blue/Wikimedia Commons

“When college students graduate, they’ll be hit with reality.” For years, we’ve been hearing that radicalism is unsustainable in the real world. Yet, as evidenced by recent student-led protests sweeping the nation, it seems as though reality is merely bending to their whim. These students, some of whom defend rioting, looting, and even parade the streets chanting “Death to America,” did not radicalize overnight.

Campus radicalism is often attributed to a small contingent of students who bully those they deem guilty of nonconformance, fringe ideologies thrust upon students by their professors, and university administrations enabling — even encouraging — these ideas.

Two cases currently making headlines embody all of the above, and reignite the longstanding question: “What exactly are they teaching at these schools?”

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