CameraKit v1.0.0-beta3.10

Emerson Cloud
Published in
1 min readNov 28, 2018

The CameraKit team is hard at work creating a stable 1.0.0 release of CameraKit-Android! In the mean time, we will push smaller updates to address issues and feature requests we’ve received from the community.

Here’s what’s new in beta3.10.


AndroidX is Android’s new support library. Like the support library it replaces, AndroidX brings backwards compatibility across Android releases. AndroidX will allow CameraKit to stay up to date with the latest support improvements.

Clear Listeners

We added methods to remove the common listeners CameraKit supports including Preview, Camera, and Error listeners.

Dependency Updates

Beta3.10 also brings CameraKit dependencies up to date like Gradle and Kotlin.

You can see all the changes for yourself on the Pull Request.

We’re always looking for your feedback! If there is a feature you want to see, or a bug you’ve encountered create a ticket on GitHub. Or if you’d rather reach out to the developers directly, send us a message on Spectrum.

Thank you for being a part of CameraKit!

