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Android App Development

CameraKit is an open-source, easy-to-use library for the Camera API on Android. High-level, simple, and extremely performant.
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JpegKit v0.2.2

The last release of JpegKit, v0.2.0 introduced new wrappers for libjpeg-turbo. This was a major redesign to the JpegKit library…

CameraKit v1.0.0-beta3.10

The CameraKit team is hard at work creating a stable 1.0.0 release of CameraKit-Android! In the mean time, we will…

CameraKit and Kotlin

Here at CameraKit we are always trying to keep up to date with modern Android development tools. In upcoming releases, we will be transitioning our codebase from Java into Kotlin. I’ll discuss Kotlin and how it can help take CameraKit to the next level.