Drones on Blockchain: Extreme Sports Action Heats Up with
Combat-Ready Drones and Decentralized Ecosystem

Camikaze Network
Camikaze Network
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2018

With the first decentralized platform for the next-generation of autonomous, unmanned technology, CamiKaze is ready to liberate the drones in this next battle for the future of extreme sports.

(November 21, 2018) — The future is drone, and the drone ecosystem, currently plagued by monopolies, lack of choices and sub-par technologies, is about to witness its ‘blockchain revolution’. CamiKaze is the first decentralized, token-based ecosystem that will introduce not only advanced, combat grade drones, but herald a new age of breathtaking visuals never seen before.

If only they knew, extreme sports athletes and fans should know that the adrenalin fueled visuals they are watching aren’t the best they could get. CamiKaze’s military grade drone technology will reveal those breathtaking ‘moments’ in their full glory, whether taken at 20ft or 20,0000ft. These will be footages never seen before.

The CamiKaze drone offers extremely maneuverability, great resilience during free falls or when flying down slopes, and high navigation powers to climb high altitudes under greater G force. Built for pure autonomy, the drone will allow real-time editing, ultra-high vertical velocity, telemetric target sensing, and multi-layer sense and avoid. The drone will connect with a telemetric bracelet and the CamiKaze app.

CamiKaze is also a complete blockchain platform, and the drone can be bought with a fixed set of Kaza tokens. With too many barriers for entry, the current drone industry impedes innovation and holds consumers in chains with its control over hardware. CamiKaze will remove the middlemen, and throw open the ecosystem to athletes, innovators, fans and content creators to take the industry forward.

The current drone market is witnessing a boom, predicted to reach annual revenues of $30 billion by 2020. On the internet, drone users and extreme sports enthusiasts have a combined reach of over 40 million followers, and engage in over 500 million interactions. This promising industry requires a decentralized environment in which to flourish, without the control exerted by a few central players.

By applying the principles of decentralization and providing real-world utilities to the multi-billion dollar drone market, we can create a future drone ecosystem that is for the people. This choice is just as smart as it is moral. The best way to gain others’ trust is and always will be an authentic, sincere responsibility to your community. The framework of CamiKaze is intuitively shaped around this maxim,” says Gadi Kuperman, co-founder, CamiKaze.

CamiKaze is scheduled to evolve in three stages. The CamiKaze 1.0 stage will comprise sale of the drone with a fixed number of Kaza tokens, thus offering a physical asset. Stage 2.0 will build a social network around drone users, fans and innovators, who will be able to share and distribute content. CamiKaze 3.0 will introduce an open, autonomous system with smart contracts, offering a wide range of plug-ins, and connecting developers, service providers, drone creators and manufacturers, consumers and designers with low entry barriers.

The team behind CamiKaze comprises senior military and defense personnel from Israel with flying and combat experience, engineers, entrepreneurs, designers, researchers and market experts. The team carries years of expertise in building exceptional drones that have been tested in combat.

CamiKaze is ready to liberate the drones in this next battle for the future of extreme sports. The platform will be financed with the sale(private) of Kaza utility tokens (ERC20, with a total supply of 3 billion). Kaza’s value is based on tangible merchandise, proprietary technology and value added services.

For more information and updates, stay tuned to the developments at: www.Camikaze.com

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Headquartered in Israel, CamiKaze is engaged in the manufacturing of premium consumer drone technology and aerial photography systems based 100% on proven Israeli military technology. The decades of self-sacrifice our team has endured in the military realm has inspired a level of technological dedication and precision that was previously unimaginable to the civilian consumer.

