DIY Cheap photography wood box for clients

Camille Girard
Camille G. Photography
3 min readDec 19, 2016

-Cheap wood box (make it or buy it)
-Spray paint (the color you want)
-Straw or confettis (see instructions)
-Piece of cardboard

  1. First you go to a dollar store or similar store where they sell crappy stuff for cheap…You can bring your silly boyfriend (this part is optional)
Boxes / Silly boyfriend

Find those little cheap boxes and choose the ones you prefer (it can be small ones for usb, or big ones to put albums, or photos). Normally they cost around 2–3 dollars.

You can also make them yourself but i’m no carpenter…

2. You need to have a simple logo to do this…and be really poor XD

Print your logo and paste it on a piece of cardboard..then with the exacto you will cut your logo out (I’s hard, don’t do it if your logo is not simple)
An alternative to this is to order a stamp with your logo…it is cheaper than buying the boxes online.
Or be creative :)

You should have something like this, it doesn’t need to be perfect.

For the boxes…

3. You will have to boil water with grinded coffee until it is really dark, you can also use tea leaves for this but it will give you a lighter color.

4. With the sponge, you will spread the coffee on the boxes, let it dry and repeat until you like the color (I did it like 8 times I think).

Here you can see the difference of colors….you will pass from a cheap white wood box to a vintage look!

Your boxes smell like coffee :D

5. Test the spray paint on a piece of cardboard before doing it with your box to see is you like the result.

Here you go, the logo is a little blurred but it gives it an industrial look.

For the filling of the boxes you can use straw, or be creative (I used golden plastic confettis I found at the dollar store)

Total $$ for ten boxes:

-Spay paint 10$
-Boxes 20$
-Coffee 4$
-Sponge 0,50$
-Straw of confettis 2$

Total = 36,50$
One box = 3,65$

(This is calculated in Canadian Dollars…use a currency converter if you need)

